Agile considered Harmful

Agile has come of age, everyone seems to be doing Agile, or at least talking about Agile, and yet more and more people are talking about failing with Agile, or the failure of Agile. In this talk, @sleepyfox answers the questions: How did this come about? Is Agile not really the panacea that it was cracked up to be? Is Agile more hype than help? How can we avoid failing with Agile? If Agile is so over, what is the next big thing, and how can I jump on the bandwagon?
Nigel Runnels-Moss
Nigel Runnels-Moss, otherwise known as @sleepyfox is an Agile Coach and Software Craftsman from London. When not running the London Code Dojo or mentoring software development teams he is writing and researching new ways of working collaboratively to enhance our ability to deliver software of value, early and often.