
Team Collaboration

Emphasizing skills related to working effectively in team environments.

Peopleware: A Vivid Tapestry of Team Dynamics

Peopleware: A Vivid Tapestry of Team Dynamics

“Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams” by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister is not your run-of-the-mill business book. It’s a vibrant exploration of the human side of software development, a realm often overshadowed by algorithms and code. Let’s dive into its most unexpected and colorful insights. 🎨 The Myth of Overtime: […]

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Fostering a Collaborative Coding Environment: The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

Fostering a Collaborative Coding Environment: The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

In the dynamic world of software development, maintaining a productive and positive team dynamic is as crucial as the code itself. The “Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming,” introduced in Jerry Weinberg’s seminal book “The Psychology of Computer Programming,” offers timeless guidance for developers seeking to cultivate a collaborative and ego-free […]

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The Power of Small: Why Small Pull Requests Triumph in Software Development

The Power of Small: Why Small Pull Requests Triumph in Software Development

In software engineering, the size of pull requests can significantly impact the efficiency and quality of code reviews and overall project progress. Swarmia’s article delves into why more minor pull requests are more effective and offers practical tips for implementing them in software development projects. Critical Reasons for Preferring Small […]

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The Symphony of Systems: Conway’s Law and Its Symphony of Organizational Harmony

The Symphony of Systems: Conway's Law and Its Symphony of Organizational Harmony

Conway’s Law states that “organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” In other words, how people in an organization communicate with each other will influence how they design and develop software systems. Many organizational approaches mitigate the effects […]

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Mastering Commit Messages: A Guide for Open Source Contributors

Mastering Commit Messages: A Guide for Open Source Contributors

In coding and Git, your commit history significantly impacts the future of open-source projects, with commit messages playing a crucial role. These brief descriptions detail the changes made to the codebase and are invaluable during troubleshooting or revisiting a project after a hiatus. This guide offers insights into crafting effective […]

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It’s Time to End the Battle Between Waterfall and Agile

It’s Time to End the Battle Between Waterfall and Agile

The article by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez in Harvard Business Review discusses the long-standing debate between Waterfall and Agile methodologies in project management. It argues for a hybrid approach that combines Waterfall’s structured planning with Agile’s flexibility to address the limitations inherent in each method. Waterfall: The Structured Approach Agile: The Adaptive […]

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Breaking Down Lean, Agile, and Design Thinking: Which One Fits Your Business?

Breaking Down Lean, Agile, and Design Thinking: Which One Fits Your Business?

As companies evolve to adopt, integrate, and leverage software as the defining element of their success in the 21st century, a rash of processes and methodologies are vying for their product teams’ attention. In the worst cases, each discipline on these teams learns a different model: product management, design, and […]

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Agile’s Evolution: From Revolutionary Method to Mainstream Practice

Agile's Evolution: From Revolutionary Method to Mainstream Practice

In the article “Agile is Dead, McKinsey Just Killed It” on “”, Scott Middleton discusses the transformation of the agile movement and its current state in the tech industry. Agile, which revolutionized technology companies and contributed to the success of giants like Google, Facebook, and Airbnb, is now considered to […]

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No. 1 lesson from 3 years of no-meeting Wednesdays, says HR expert: Meetings aren’t ‘the enemy’

No. 1 lesson from 3 years of no-meeting Wednesdays, says HR expert: Meetings aren’t ‘the enemy’

How Canva’ s HR Head Jennie Rogerson Improved Employee Engagement and Productivity Meetings are a necessary part of the business but can also be a significant time suck. A study by the Harvard Business School found that the average employee spends about 23 hours per week in meetings. That’s a […]

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Crafting Metrics that Inspire: Beyond Gaming to Genuine Growth

Crafting Metrics that Inspire: Beyond Gaming to Genuine Growth

Metrics are powerful tools, but they can be misused like any tool. When gamed, metrics lose value and can even lead to counterproductive behaviors. So, how can we craft metrics that inspire genuine growth and positive behaviors among developers? The Heart of the Matter: Purpose Over Numbers Encouraging Collaboration Transparency […]

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