Hacks You Can Use to Boost Productivity Today

The article’s author discusses their freelancer experiences and offers advice on staying productive while working in this field. One of the biggest challenges they face is staying focused and avoiding distractions, especially from social media. To overcome this, they use an app that blocks social media sites, puts their phone on silent and out of reach, and turns off notifications.
The author also tries the Pomodoro technique but finds it difficult to return to work after a short break. Instead, they set time-sensitive deadlines for each task and prioritize completing tasks over perfection. They also emphasize the importance of avoiding unnecessary visits and socializing during work hours, as every lost hour must be made up later.
Being a freelancer has benefits and drawbacks, and one of the biggest challenges is having the discipline to stay productive. The author notes that freelancers must be more disciplined than those with a manager overseeing them, as there is no immediate penalty for slacking off. Without developing a sense of discipline and self-control, freelancers may outperform others.
In conclusion, the author shares tips for staying productive as a freelancer, including avoiding social media, setting time-sensitive deadlines, avoiding unnecessary visits, and mastering self-discipline. These habits can help ensure that freelance work is manageable and productive, allowing for a better work-life balance.
The article is “Hacks You Can Use to Boost Productivity Today.“