How to run a sprint planning meeting

Regarding Agile sprint planning, preparation is critical to ensuring a productive and successful meeting. Here are more details on what you need to do to get ready:
Prep your backlog: Before the sprint planning meeting, the product owner should review and update the product backlog. This comprehensive list outlines the work needed for the product and the order in which it should be done. It is essential to have an up-to-date backlog so the product owner and the development team know what work is in the queue and the developers’ capacity. You may hold a pre-planning meeting to finalize the backlog and decide which items to complete during the upcoming sprint. This meeting should only include the Scrum master and the product owner.
Examine team availability: Before committing to a sprint schedule, check the team’s capacity to handle the workload. Confirm any planned vacations, commitments to other projects, and time constraints. If team members cannot fully commit to the sprint, adjust the workload accordingly. Ensure all necessary resources are available and any known issues or setbacks are addressed before the sprint starts.
Establish velocity for your team: A team’s velocity is the amount of work they can complete in a single sprint. The velocity will vary based on factors such as how long the team has worked together, how many backlog items are ready to be worked on, and how effectively the sprint has been planned. For a newly established team, track the deliverables and story points from sprint to sprint to determine their velocity.
Plan your sprint planning meeting: The Scrum master should take care of the logistics of the sprint planning meeting, including deciding on the date and time, attendees, and agenda. To determine the meeting length, multiply the number of weeks in the sprint by two hours. The Scrum master should distribute the plan to all relevant parties before the meeting.
Once you’ve prepared for the sprint planning meeting, it’s time to start the actual planning process. Here are some best practices for running an effective meeting:
- Start with the big picture: Begin the meeting by officially ending the previous sprint and acknowledging the team’s progress. Remind the section of the overall vision for the project and set the stage for the upcoming sprint—state-specific goals for the next sprint at the beginning of the meeting.
- Present new updates, feedback, and issues: The Scrum master and product owner should provide any updates or further information from stakeholders and discuss customer feedback. This is also an excellent time to address any issues from the previous sprint that may have impacted progress.
- Review the backlog: The product owner and development team should review the backlog to ensure it is up-to-date and to prioritize the work for the upcoming sprint. The team should also discuss any changes or updates to the backlog.
- Determine sprint goals and tasks: The team should determine the sprint goal and the functions needed based on the backlog. This may include discussing handling roadblocks or obstacles during the sprint.
- Assign tasks and estimate time: Once the functions have been determined, the team should assign them to individual team members and estimate the time needed to complete each task.
- Finalize the sprint plan: The team should review the sprint plan to ensure everyone is on the same page. This includes outlining what work will be done, who will do it, and the time needed to complete it.
- Set next steps: After the sprint plan has been finalized, the team should set the next steps. This may include deciding on a date for the next sprint planning meeting or determining.
The article is “How to Run a sprint planning meeting.“