How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor

Emacs is the ideal environment to work in any Lisp dialect. I am using Emacs with Flutter, Lisp, and Clojure. I found a great article to set up Emacs for Clojure. The full article is on the How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor at BraveClojure
On your journey to Clojure mastery, your editor will be your closest ally. I highly recommend working with Emacs, but you can, of course, use any editor you want. If you don’t follow the thorough Emacs instructions in this chapter, or if you choose to use a different editor, it’s worthwhile to at least invest some time in setting up your editor to work with a REPL. Two alternatives that I recommend and that are well regarded in the community are Cursive and Nightcode.
The reason I recommend Emacs is that it offers tight integration with a Clojure REPL, which allows you to instantly try out your code as you write. That kind of tight feedback loop will be useful while learning Clojure and, later, when writing real Clojure programs. Emacs is also great for working with any Lisp dialect; in fact, Emacs is written in a Lisp dialect called Emacs Lisp (elisp).