İnsan gençken çok bencilTartamıyor kalbiniPişmanlıklar sonradanBırakmıyor peşini İnsan bazen kırılganYaralanır bir bakışlaSevgisini düşürürTitrek ellerinden Anladım işte nihayetHayat geçmiş boşunaSürükledim yılların ardındaSevda mecburi istikamet Gençken kandım dünyayaYitirmişim kendimiAnladım nihayetSevda mecburi istikamet İnsan gençken çok bencilTartamıyor kalbiniPişmanlıklar sonradanBırakmıyor peşini Anladım işte nihayetHayat geçmiş boşunaSürüklendim yılların ardındaSevda mecburi istikamet Sevda mecburi istikametSevda mecburi […]
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What goes on inside a developer’s head when they make estimates, and why that’s so hard to fix The article focuses on why developers are bad at estimating and how this affects development. The author argues that one of the main reasons is that writing software involves figuring out something […]
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The Gambler’s Dilemma is a classic example of a problem in game theory. It involves two players, each with the option to choose between two strategies: “bet” or “stay.” The players simultaneously select one of the two strategies, and the payouts are as follows: The dilemma for the players is […]
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Watching lecture videos is now a major part of many students’ university experience. Some say they prefer them to live lectures, as they can choose when to study. And, according to a survey of students at the University of California Los Angeles, at least, many students also take advantage of […]
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