JavaScript Errors: An Exceptional History

In accordance with Murphy’s Law, arguably ticket #1 on the backlog of the great Jira board of the universe, runtime errors have existed as a concept since the very first version of JavaScript, shipped as part of Netscape Navigator 2.0 in 1995, and later as part of the second iteration of Internet Explorer.
Here in 2019, it’s difficult to conceive of a primordial version of JavaScript. Famously prototyped in 10 days, and publicly released mere months later, the early history of JavaScript exists as a flawed, but nonetheless impressive, monument to compromise and short-term corporate thinking; plans to implement Scheme as the embedded scripting language in Netscape Navigator gave way to desires to include a “glue language” to compliment Java, producing a hybrid of syntax vaguely resembling Java but with ideas cribbed from dynamically typed languages like Scheme, HyperTalk and Self in order to differentiate itself from the more “serious” and statically typed Java.
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