REST: I Don’t Think it Means What You Think it Does

These days, REST has become truly fashionable. No matter what system, product, or service we look at, everything claims to offer a “REST API”. But as is often the case with technical concepts that gain acceptance, many instances stick the label on something that doesn’t meet expectations. This session will start with a practical introduction to the basic principles of the Web’s architectural approach. Next, we’ll spend most of the time looking at the most common misconceptions and conclude with an extended Q&A.
Stefan Tilkov
Stefan Tikov is a decent-frequency blogger, tweets at @stilkov, and is a frequent speaker at conferences in Germany and abroad. He is the author of the book “REST und HTTP”. Stefan also used to be the lead SOA editor on InfoQ.
Stefan has been involved in designing large-scale, distributed systems for almost two decades, using various technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.
Co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, Stefan spends his time alternating between advising customers on new technologies and taking the blame from his co-workers for doing so.