

Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers

Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers

Rule NumberRule Description
1Write for yourself first. During rewrites, remove anything that isn’t essential to the story.
2Avoid passive voice. Passive voice is safe, but it’s not engaging.
3Limit adverbs. Adverbs aren’t your friends.
4Avoid using adverbs after “he said” and “she said.”
5If you don’t read, you lack the tools to write. I read a lot.
6Fear is often the root of bad writing. Believe in yourself.
7Your writing space should be free from phones, TVs, and video games. Eliminate distractions.
8Writing truthfully might not always please everyone. Be authentic.
9Avoid TV, especially during work hours. Limit distractions.
10The first draft should be completed in no more than three months. Set deadlines.
11King attributes his success to staying healthy and maintaining his marriage. Stay healthy and committed.
12Every piece of writing is built one word at a time. Write one word at a time.
13Your writing space should be free from phones, TVs, and videogames. Eliminate distractions.
14Don’t try to imitate other writers. Stay true to your style.
15Stories are like relics waiting to be discovered. Dig deep.
16Revisiting your work after a break can offer a fresh perspective. Take breaks.
17Remove boring parts and “kill your darlings.” Be ruthless in editing.
18Research should support the story, not overshadow it. Keep research in the background.
19The best way to learn is by reading and writing a lot. Practice makes perfect.
20Writing is about joy and magic, not fame or money. Find joy in writing.

The article is “Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers.