Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers

Rule Number | Rule Description |
1 | Write for yourself first. During rewrites, remove anything that isn’t essential to the story. |
2 | Avoid passive voice. Passive voice is safe, but it’s not engaging. |
3 | Limit adverbs. Adverbs aren’t your friends. |
4 | Avoid using adverbs after “he said” and “she said.” |
5 | If you don’t read, you lack the tools to write. I read a lot. |
6 | Fear is often the root of bad writing. Believe in yourself. |
7 | Your writing space should be free from phones, TVs, and video games. Eliminate distractions. |
8 | Writing truthfully might not always please everyone. Be authentic. |
9 | Avoid TV, especially during work hours. Limit distractions. |
10 | The first draft should be completed in no more than three months. Set deadlines. |
11 | King attributes his success to staying healthy and maintaining his marriage. Stay healthy and committed. |
12 | Every piece of writing is built one word at a time. Write one word at a time. |
13 | Your writing space should be free from phones, TVs, and videogames. Eliminate distractions. |
14 | Don’t try to imitate other writers. Stay true to your style. |
15 | Stories are like relics waiting to be discovered. Dig deep. |
16 | Revisiting your work after a break can offer a fresh perspective. Take breaks. |
17 | Remove boring parts and “kill your darlings.” Be ruthless in editing. |
18 | Research should support the story, not overshadow it. Keep research in the background. |
19 | The best way to learn is by reading and writing a lot. Practice makes perfect. |
20 | Writing is about joy and magic, not fame or money. Find joy in writing. |
The article is “Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers.“