
Google Bard

Bard is a conversational generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Google, based initially on the LaMDA family of large language models and later the PaLM LLM.

What Is Bard Python Library?

What Is Bard Python Library?

Bard is a significant language model (LLM) from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It can generate text, translate languages, write creative content, and answer your questions informally. Bard is still under development, but it has learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including: Bard […]

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Adım Adım Yazılımcılık Serisi

Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

GİT ve GitHub derslerimizde Branching ile ilgili uzun bir ders hazırlıyorum. Ardından github ‘a geçeceğiz. Python derslerinde sadece bir öğrencim vardı. O da pandemi nedeniyle devam etmiyor. Onu bekliyorum. Docker , Container ve microservices ‘ler konusunda güzel bir seri hazırlıyorum. Java ve C# serisi yapmayı düşünmüyorum. Benzerleri çok var. C++ […]

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Flutter- Google’s latest innovation for mobile, web, and desktop apps


A Keynote talk by Martin Aguinis and Matt Sullivan at the WeAreDevelopers conference in Berlin discussing how Flutter is redefining app development for mobile, web, and desktop. This session includes live coding an original Flutter app, brand success stories including BMW, deep-dives on what’s been announced at Google I/O and […]

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