
Robert Cecil Martin (Uncle Bob)

Robert (Bob) Martin is one of the most influential articulators of OO design principles and has written many articles about OO design. In 2001, he was one of 17 authors and signatories of the Agile Manifesto.

His full name is Robert Cecil Martin, but he is also known as Uncle Bob (when writing on the web).

Evolving a Clean, Pragmatic Architecture – A Software Crafter’s Guide

Evolving a Clean, Pragmatic Architecture – A Software Crafter’s Guide

In the mood for a closing brainstorm? Let’s critically review the major decisions in a typical enterprise application architecture and learn to balance pragmatism with design goals. Find out how to do just-in-time design to keep as many use cases as simple as possible (KISS). We’ve all seen that without […]

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Summary of ‘Clean Code’ by Uncle Bob

Summary of 'Clean code' by Uncle Bob

“Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” is a book written by Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob. The book is a guide to writing clean, maintainable, and scalable code. It covers a wide range of topics, including design patterns, refactoring, testing, and coding style. In “Clean […]

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Breaking the Mold: Exploring Agile Frameworks for Modern Software Development

Breaking the Mold: Exploring Agile Frameworks for Modern Software Development

Agile frameworks are specific approaches to planning, managing, and executing work. They typically fall into two categories: frameworks designed for teams. Frameworks intended to help organizations practice Agile at scale across many groups. Some popular Agile frameworks include Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), and Kanban. Although Agile was initially designed as […]

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Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Emeğe Saygı! Temiz Yaz, Kodun Kokmasın!

Çeşitli şirketlerde, farklı büyüklüklerde yapılar içinde yazılım geliştiriyoruz.  Evde tek başına yazılım geliştiriyor olsak dahi farketmemelidir. İşimize saygımız, işimizi iyi yapmayı gerektirir.  İşimizi iyi yapacağız.  Kodumuz temiz olacak.  Kodun temiz olması nasıl olur demeyelim, temiz olmayan kod kokar ve kendini belli eder 🙂 Sınıf Tasarımı Prensipleri (Principles of Class Design) […]

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Clean Code – Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin)

“Coding Better World Together” is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today’s society. In this first lesson, Uncle Bob demonstrates the need to write clean code. He establishes […]

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Uncle Bob Martin – The Craftsman’s Oath at SC London Conference 2018

Uncle Bob Martin, Clean Code

We are programmers who aspire to be worthy of the title of Craftsman. So what is a software craftsman? What promises do software craftsmen make to their fellow craftsmen, their employers, and society at large? In this talk, Uncle Bob presents, for your consideration, an oath for all who desire […]

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The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:

The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:

The Reuse/Release Equivalency Principle is:“The granule of reuse is the granule of release. Only components that are released through a tracking system can be effectively reused. This granule is the package.” What is reuse? The copying code is not reused. If you copy or insert code/modules into your code, then […]

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Package Design Principles

Yazılımda Ustalaşmak

Release/Reuse Equivalency states that everything reused must be released and tracked. This has little to do with writing the code or applying algorithms or data structures but with how to structure your software into smaller components. It requires the maintainer to organize the releases, provide a way to migrate from one […]

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Mastering Clean Architecture Principles for Effective Software Design

Mastering Clean Architecture Principles for Effective Software Design

The Principles of Clean Architectureby Uncle Bob Martin(@unclebobmartin) Robert C. Martin, aka Uncle Bob, has been a software professional since 1970 and an international software consultant since 1990. In the last 40 years, he has worked on hundreds of software projects in various capacities. In 2001, he initiated the group […]

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