The New Approach to Work Requires a New Approach to Trust

Trust is a critical aspect of team dynamics, and it becomes even more complex and essential in a remote work environment. Without the ability to engage in casual conversations and share in social events, building trust can be difficult, especially with managers. Additionally, communication gaps can exacerbate the trust deficit when remote team members rely on traditional communication strategies. Many companies have tried to carry over the same processes and habits from in-person work, but this approach often leads to unsuccessful results.
Companies must take a new approach to building trust in a remote setting and prioritize communication quality over speed. Traditional remote communication tools like Slack and email may encourage quick information exchanges but cannot facilitate more nuanced conversations. Poorly crafted communication can become more challenging to resolve in an asynchronous environment, where team members have limited overlapping hours.
Remote teams may also face issues of favoritism and proximity bias, which can lead to feelings of disconnection and exclusion from meaningful conversations and decisions. Companies must make concerted efforts to include remote team members in meaningful discussions and decision-making processes to avoid this.
Maintaining trust in a remote setting starts with effective communication and replacing old in-person habits with systems and processes designed for the new reality. This includes forming a council of inclusion, supporting community organizations, implementing an Employee Referral Program, and using timeboxing techniques. Additionally, a daily check-in meeting and a retrospective of the team’s progress can help realign team members and improve communication.
In conclusion, trust is a crucial aspect of team dynamics, and it becomes even more critical in a remote work environment. Companies must take a new approach, prioritize communication quality over speed, and actively include remote team members in meaningful conversations and decisions to avoid favoritism and proximity bias. Maintaining trust in a remote setting starts with effective communication and implementing systems and processes for the new reality.
The original article is “The New Approach to Work Requires a New Approach to Trust.”