The Scrum Ceremonies Used by Agile Teams

Learn how the scrum ceremonies help agile teams plan, work, and communicate efficiently.
Scrum is a framework software development teams use to collaborate, complete work quickly, and adapt to rapidly changing user requirements. The scrum team comprises various roles: developers, project managers, scrum masters, QA engineers, product owners, and technical managers. The key events or meetings in the scrum framework are known as scrum ceremonies, and they help manage, plan, capture, report, and track stories and bugs during and after a release cycle.
The five scrum ceremonies include sprint planning, daily scrum/standup, sprint review, sprint retrospective, and backlog refinement. In the sprint planning meeting, the team discusses the sprint goal and the work that needs to be completed. The team members create tasks and provide estimates for each story, and the meeting is attended by product owners, developers, QA engineers, and the scrum master.
Daily Scrum Meeting
The daily scrum/standup meeting is essential to the scrum framework and helps team members stay on track and communicate their progress. It typically lasts for 15 minutes, and attendees discuss their completed work from the previous day, work they will end today, and blockers preventing them from achieving their tasks. The scrum master facilitates the meeting and ensures daily accountability and transparency within the team.
Sprint Review
This ceremony showcases the results of a sprint and usually includes a demo of a working product. The meeting ensures the goals were met based on the requirements discussed earlier and provides a chance for feedback and overall improvement for future release cycles. The software development team attends the sprint review and critical stakeholders, which typically lasts an hour.
Sprint Retrospective
The sprint retrospective is a meeting that encourages the team to reflect on their performance during the sprint and identify areas for improvement. The entire agile team attends the conference and is facilitated by the scrum master. It helps the team determine what went well, what could have been improved, and what actions can be taken to make future sprints more successful. The retrospective helps to foster continuous improvement in a structured manner and drives results for the team.
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