

10 Best Python Libraries for photo processing

10 Best Python Libraries for photo processing
  1. OpenCV: An open-source computer vision library that provides a wide range of image processing and computer vision capabilities, including image filtering, feature detection, and image enhancement.
  2. Pillow: A library for handling and manipulating image files, built on top of PIL (Python Imaging Library), it provides functionalities for image resizing, cropping, rotation, and more.
  3. scikit-image: A library for image processing in Python, providing a wide range of algorithms for image segmentation, restoration, and feature extraction.
  4. ImageKit: A powerful image processing library for Python, it provides functionalities for image optimization, file conversion, and image manipulation.
  5. imgaug: A library for image augmentation in machine learning, providing a wide range of image transformation functions, such as flipping, rotation, and scaling.
  6. ExifRead: A library for reading Exif metadata from image files, it supports various image formats, including JPEG and TIFF.
  7. Pyvips: A fast image processing library for Python, it supports a wide range of image formats and provides functionalities for image resize, crop, and color manipulation.
  8. rawpy: A library for decoding and processing raw image files, it supports a wide range of camera raw formats, including NEF, CR2, and DNG.
  9. img2pdf: A library for converting image files to PDF, it supports a wide range of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
  10. imgproc: A library for image processing, it provides functionalities for image filtering, feature detection, and image enhancement, it is built on top of the OpenCV library.