
(80) Database, Veritabanı Sistemleri

Databases are an essential part of many modern applications. They provide a way to store and manage large amounts of data in a structured and efficient way.

Revolutionizing Database Management: MySQL Introduces JavaScript Support

Revolutionizing Database Management: MySQL Introduces JavaScript Support

Oracle has taken a significant leap in database management by introducing JavaScript support for stored routines in MySQL. This groundbreaking feature is currently in preview and available in the MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Heatwave. Integrating JavaScript into MySQL heralds a new era of efficiency and flexibility in database operations. […]

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AWS Elasticsearch: A Scalable and Elastic Search Engine

AWS Elasticsearch: A Scalable and Elastic Search Engine

A fully-managed service that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale Elasticsearch Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ES) is a fully-managed service that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is a distributed, open-source search and analytics engine. It is a powerful tool for storing, searching, and analyzing […]

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Paxos: An Innovative Path for Distributed Systems

Paxos: An Innovative Path for Distributed Systems

A creative look at how Paxos ensures that all nodes in a distributed system agree on the same state of the world. In distributed systems, all nodes must agree on the same state of the world. This is because if nodes disagree, it can lead to problems such as data […]

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Rediscovering Data: A Dive into Redis with Python

Rediscovering Data: A Dive into Redis with Python

Redis, an in-memory data structure store, is often used as a database, cache, and message broker. Its versatility and speed make it a popular choice among developers. The possibilities are endless when combined with Python, one of the most widely-used programming languages. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of […]

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AWS Neptune: Unleashing the Power of Graph Databases in the Cloud

AWS Neptune: Unleashing the Power of Graph Databases in the Cloud

In cloud computing, data is the driving force behind innovation and business success. As businesses strive to extract valuable insights from vast and interconnected datasets, graph databases have emerged as a powerful solution. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Neptune is a fully managed graph database service that enables organizations to build […]

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Implementing the Internet of Things with MySQL

Implementing the Internet of Things with MySQL

The Internet of Things (IoT) has grown from an exciting concept to a paradigm-changing how individuals and businesses operate in the 21st Century. It is based on connecting IP-capable devices so they can communicate in various ways. They range from automated industrial assembly lines to intelligent appliances that promise to make life […]

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(I raised this as a result of query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely) (MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError)

(I raised this as a result of query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely) (MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError)

(I raised this because of query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely) (MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError) The message you’ve encountered, “(raised as a result of Query-invoked autoflush; consider using a session.no_autoflush block if this flush is occurring prematurely) (MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError),” appears to be an error related to a […]

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A Guide to MySQL’s ST_SRID and ST_PointFromText with Code Examples

A Guide to MySQL's ST_SRID and ST_PointFromText with Code Examples

In the realm of database management, MySQL stands out for its robust features, one of which includes support for geospatial data. This is particularly useful for applications that need to store and query location data, such as mapping and location-based services. Two significant functions in this context are ST_SRID and […]

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Geospatial Data in MySQL, Geospatial Functions with Examples

Geospatial Data in MySQL, Geospatial Functions with Examples

Geospatial data management is essential to modern databases, especially for applications involving location-based services, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial analysis. MySQL, a popular relational database management system, offers a suite of geospatial functions, allowing users to store, process, and retrieve geospatial data efficiently. Here are the various geospatial functions […]

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What Is The

What Is The is an efficient report generator tool that transforms JSON data into various file formats such as PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and ODS. It is designed to streamline the report generation process, making it more efficient and less code-intensive. Here are some key features and aspects of In summary, […]

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