

U+000A (‘controlLF’) is not available in this font encoding: WinAnsiEncoding.

U+000A ('controlLF') is not available in this font encoding: WinAnsiEncoding.

For my last project,  I am using Java and Apache PDFBOX .   For the chaotic “U+000A (‘controlLF’) is not available in this font  encoding: WinAnsiEncoding.”  Error I ‘ve found a simple solution

*U+000A ('controlLF') is not available in this font encoding: WinAnsiEncoding.
*Java, Apache PDFBox
public class FixEncoding extends WinAnsiEncoding {
public String remove(String bufstr) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bufstr.length(); i++) {
if (WinAnsiEncoding.INSTANCE.contains(bufstr.charAt(i))) {
return b.toString();
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