

Amazon’s Youthful Pivot: A New Dawn in Tech Recruitment

Amazon's Youthful Pivot: A New Dawn in Tech Recruitment

In a significant shift in its hiring strategy, Amazon has decided to focus on recruiting students and recent graduates for its entry-level software positions, according to an internal memo reviewed by Business Insider. This change, which took effect on January 25, 2023, stipulates that individuals over 12 months out of school will no longer be eligible for the lowest software development engineering role, SDE-1. The move is a potential cost-saving strategy, targeting a younger and potentially more affordable workforce. This adjustment comes amidst a broader restructuring within the company.

New Hiring StrategyOnly students and recent graduates will be considered for entry-level software positions.
Implementation DateThe new policy took effect on January 25, 2023.
Eligibility for SDE-1 PositionThis change is part of a more significant restructuring happening within Amazon.
Approval for ExceptionsAny exceptions to this rule require the approval of Vice Presidents or higher-ranking officials within the company.
Potential ReasoningThe shift is possibly a cost-cutting measure, targeting a younger and more affordable group of workers.
Company RestructuringThis change is part of a larger restructuring happening within Amazon.

For more details, you can read the full article on Business Insider.