
Programming Tips

Programming tips encompass practical advice and best practices for writing efficient, maintainable, and error-free code, including concepts like code organization, documentation, version control, testing, and staying updated with industry trends, fostering a positive and productive programming experience.

Unveiling the Power of Python’s .split() Method

Unveiling the Power of Python's .split() Method

In the vast and versatile world of Python programming, string manipulation is a fundamental skill, often serving as the stepping stone to data analysis and processing. One of the quintessential methods in string manipulation is the .split() A method is a powerful tool that dissects strings and extracts valuable information. […]

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The SOLID Principles: A Guide to Better Object-Oriented Design

The SOLID Principles: A Guide to Better Object-Oriented Design

The SOLID principles are five object-oriented design principles that can help you write better code. They are: The Single Responsibility Principle The single responsibility principle (SRP) states that every class should have only one reason to change. This means that a class should only be responsible for one thing. For […]

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cannot unpack non-iterable Response object

cannot unpack non-iterable Response object

The error message “cannot unpack non-iterable Response object” typically arises in Python when trying to unpack or destructure a response object as if it were iterable (like a tuple or a list). Still, it’s not designed to be unpacked. For instance, consider a scenario where you’re making an HTTP request […]

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