JavaScript Best Clean Code Practices and Coding Conventions

This video examines some of the best practices and coding conventions for JavaScript. We’ll go through several rules to help you write clean code. People will perceive your work differently if you write clean JavaScript code.
Coding conventions secure quality, improve code readability and make code maintenance easier. They can be documented rules for teams or your coding practice.
The following coding conventions can help make your code more consistent, predictable, and readable.
Writing clean code is a benefit both to you and your co-workers. Why? Can you remember a time when you carried out a code review and had to question what was happening in a specific function? If you have, the code probably could’ve been cleaner. It’s something we should aspire to do.
Clean Code
Clean code refers to code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. It is well-organized, follows a consistent style, and has clear and meaningful names for variables and functions. Clean code is also free of unnecessary complexity and is easy to test and debug. It is often considered the opposite of “spaghetti code,” which is code that is hard to understand and maintain.
Clean Code for Javascript Coding
Clean code can be efficient in any programming language, including JavaScript. However, writing clean and efficient code can be challenging in JavaScript due to its dynamic and flexible nature.
In JavaScript, clean code means using clear and concise variable and function names and organizing code into small, reusable, easy-to-understand, and testable functions. It also means avoiding global variables, using proper indentation and spacing, and commenting on the code where necessary.
Efficiency in JavaScript refers to the speed and resources used by the code. To write efficient JavaScript code, you should avoid using unnecessary loops, use appropriate data structures, and avoid blocking the browser’s main thread with heavy computations.
It’s important to note that clean and efficient codes are not mutually exclusive, and it is possible to write clean and efficient code. It’s essential to balance both when writing code.