

Emacs is a text editor that is known for its power and flexibility. It is a highly customizable editor that can be used for various tasks, including editing code, writing documents, and creating presentations.

Emacs was developed initially in 1976 by Richard Stallman. It is free and open-source software available for various operating systems.


Lisp and Its Legacy: A Deep Dive into the World’s Oldest High-Level Language

Lisp and Its Legacy: A Deep Dive into the World's Oldest High-Level Language

The Genesis of Lisp Lisp, an acronym for “List Processing”, emerged in the late 1950s, making it one of the oldest high-level programming languages. Conceived by John McCarthy at MIT, Lisp was initially designed for artificial intelligence research. Its unique structure, based on symbolic expression processing, set it apart from […]

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Vim: Unleashing the Power of the Legendary Text Editor

Vim: Unleashing the Power of the Legendary Text Editor

Vim (Vi IMproved) is a text editor programmers and system administrators use. It is a command-line-based editor that is available on a wide range of platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Vim is known for its efficient use of keystrokes, which allows users to perform many everyday editing tasks without […]

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GitHub Atom Editor

GitHub Atom Editor

GitHub Atom is a text editor that GitHub develops. It is an open-source editor built on the Electron framework, allowing it to run on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Atom is known for its extensibility, with many plugins enabling users to customize and extend the editor’s functionality. It […]

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Freelance Yazılımcının Sırt Çantasında Neler Olur?

Yazılımcının çantası

Yeni arkadaşlara faydası olması için kendi araç kutumu açıklıyorum 🙂 PENCIL Flowchart, akış diagramlarını hazırlamak için çok pratik bir araçtır.   Pencil kurumsal site TRELLO Tek başımıza dahi olsak, çevik yöntemleri uygulamaya devam edelim.  Yalnız çalışmak, takım üyesi olmaktan daha fazla disiplini gerektiriyor. Kendi işlerinizi kendiniz izleyeceksiniz.   TRELLO görsel […]

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Emacs’ e Başlamak

Emacs' e Başlamak

Emacs’ i kuru 🙂 haliyle kullanmanızı önermiyorum. Başlangıç olarak MELPA paket listesini kurabilirsiniz. MELPA’ ı kurmak için Emacs’ in TLS desteği sağlaması gerekiyor. Bildiğim kadarıyla yeni kurulumlarda otomatik olarak geliyor. Yaklaşık script aşağıdaki gibi olacaktır. Melpa’ nın sitesi Emacs Lsp sayfası

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How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor

How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor

Emacs is the ideal environment to work in any Lisp dialect. I am using Emacs with Flutter, Lisp, and Clojure. I found a great article to set up Emacs for Clojure. The full article is on the How to Use Emacs, an Excellent Clojure Editor at BraveClojure On your journey to […]

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Saint Emacs is Speaking

Emacs, Richard Stallman

GNU Emacs is a text editor that programmers and researchers widely use. It is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting editor available on various platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Emacs is known for its powerful and flexible editing capabilities and its support for a wide range of programming languages and tools. […]

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Emacs Paket Listeleri

Emacs Paket Listeleri

Emacs için ayrıntılı bir yazı hazırlarken bazı yararlı linkleri buraya asıyorum. Açıklama Adres Bir yazılımcı için olmazsa olmaz ilk liste ve dağıtım prelude olabilir. Prelude github adresi Awesome Emacs Real Python’ da yeralan makale nin nkodları MELPA listesi Emacs at Real Python ELPA listesi […]

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GNU Emacs Reference Card

GNU Emacs Reference Card

I can’t live without this. GNU Emacs is a highly customizable and extensible text editor in the GNU Project. Developed by Richard Stallman and his Free Software Foundation (FSF) team, GNU Emacs is known for its powerful features and flexibility, making it a popular choice among programmers, writers, and other […]

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