ANKARA – Turkish Airlines announced on Wednesday that its operations have returned to normalcy after experiencing technical issues with its ticket reservation and booking systems. This led to the cancellation of all flights departing from Istanbul. Yahya Ustun, the senior vice president for media relations, clarified that the disruptions were […]
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You can use several built-in functions to get the current date and time in MySQL. Here are some of the most commonly used ones: Here is an example of how you might use one of these functions in a query to insert the current date and time into a table: […]
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In the era of big data, the ability to process and analyze vast amounts of streaming data in real time has become a competitive advantage for businesses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Kinesis Firehose offers a robust and scalable solution for handling real-time data streams efficiently. In this article, we will […]
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In this video, we will learn how to generate an SSL/TLS certificate signing request (CSR) and have it signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). We won’t submit the CSR to a real CA for this tutorial. Instead, we will play both the certificate authority and the certificate applicant. We will […]
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On Monday, Twilio, a cloud communications software maker, announced that it is cutting approximately 17% of its workforce to streamline operations and become more efficient. This new round of job reductions comes after the company cut about 11% of its staff back in September 2022 as it works to drive […]
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AWS Kinesis Amazon Kinesis is a fully managed service that Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides for real-time processing and analyzing streaming data. It enables you to collect, process, and analyze large volumes of streaming data in real-time from various sources such as social media, logs, IoT devices, and clickstreams. Amazon […]
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dotNet MVC projelerinde, veri tablosundan veriyi aldınız ve ilgili modelle map oluşturdunuz. Normal durumda bu alanları doğrudan kullanırsınız. Bazı durumlarda örneğin ad, soyad gibi iki alanı birleştirip AD-SOYAD şeklinde bir alan olarak kullanmak isteyebilirsiniz. Bu iş için DTO adı verilen bir ara object kullanıyoruz. DTO’da tanımlayarak sonraki kullanımları basitleştirebilirsiniz.
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Bir ortak geçmişimiz var, bir de hep açık yaralar.Kendine hatırlattığın: fazla parlamış anılar!Karşıma her yerde çıkan 30 yaş üstü adamlar,“Hep seni sevmiştim” diyen, bir şeyler bekler bakışlar! Yerçekimine yenik üstün, başın,Bir de hep güzel tınlamış adın, adın!Cebinde bir tek numaran kalmış artık,Herkes için bir tadımlık! İstanbul seni hapsetmiş, eSki bir […]
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