A creative look at how Paxos ensures that all nodes in a distributed system agree on the same state of the world. In distributed systems, all nodes must agree on the same state of the world. This is because if nodes disagree, it can lead to problems such as data […]
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MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) bir iletişim protokolüdür ve hafif bir mesajlaşma protokolü olarak tasarlandı. Bu protokol, küçük cihazlar ve sensörler gibi az güç tüketen cihazlar arasında veri iletimi için tasarlanmıştır. MQTT protokolü, bir mesaj yayıncısı (publisher) ve bir veya daha fazla mesaj abonesi (subscriber) arasında haberleşmeyi sağlar. Mesaj yayıncısı, […]
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Node.js, JavaScript dilini server-side (sunucu tarafı) uygulamaları yazmak için kullanılan bir açık kaynak platformdur. Node.js, bir web sunucusu olarak çalışan bir JavaScript çekirdeğine sahiptir ve bu sayede web tarama, API (Application Programming Interface) hizmetleri, veritabanı erişimi gibi birçok farklı görev için kullanılabilir. Node.js, genellikle aşağıdaki alanlarda kullanılır: Web sunucuları ve […]
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Robot Framework is a test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It is implemented in Python and can test various web, desktop, and mobile applications. One advantage of Robot Framework is that it is easy to use and has a simple, keyword-driven syntax that makes it […]
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Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds, hosted by Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship in Otaniemi on June 14, 2012. Linus was interviewed by Will Cardwell, followed by a Q&A session with the audience. Enjoy! Linus Torvalds Linus Benedict Torvalds is a Finnish software engineer who is the creator and, historically, the lead […]
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Python is a good language for beginners to learn. It is an interpreted, high-level programming language with a simple, readable syntax. Python’s simplicity and ease of use make it an excellent language for beginners to learn, as it allows them to focus on learning programming concepts and principles without getting […]
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