Fundamentals of Middleware and Message Broker Middleware is software that connects different applications and systems. It provides a common platform for applications to communicate with each other, regardless of their underlying platform or programming language. Middleware can be used to solve a variety of problems, including: Message brokers are a […]
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Fedora is a free and open-source Linux distribution developed by the Fedora Project, a community-supported project sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora is a general-purpose distribution known for its stability, performance, and innovative features. What is Fedora? The name Fedora comes from the Fedora Project’s mascot, a dancing penguin named Fedora. […]
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GİT ve GitHub derslerimizde Branching ile ilgili uzun bir ders hazırlıyorum. Ardından github ‘a geçeceğiz. Python derslerinde sadece bir öğrencim vardı. O da pandemi nedeniyle devam etmiyor. Onu bekliyorum. Docker , Container ve microservices ‘ler konusunda güzel bir seri hazırlıyorum. Java ve C# serisi yapmayı düşünmüyorum. Benzerleri çok var. C++ […]
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