
Monty Python, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

Monty Python are a British surreal comedy group who created the sketch comedy television show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, which first aired on the BBC in 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four series.

5 Strategies for Strengthening MQTT Infrastructure Security

5 Strategies for Strengthening MQTT Infrastructure Security

The article from IoT For All delves into the importance of ensuring the security of IoT devices, especially with the increasing migration of systems and services to the cloud. The piece provides a comprehensive overview of strategies to bolster MQTT infrastructure system security from various angles. Here are the key […]

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Unlocking Software Engineering Potential for Better Products

Unlocking Software Engineering Potential for Better Products

As software systems become, increasingly complex, effective testing methods are more important than ever. One promising approach is contract testing, which involves testing the interactions between different system components based on their published contracts. In this article, we will explore the potential of contract testing for improving the quality and […]

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Empowering Agile Delivery: Embodying Scrum Principles for Project Success

Empowering Agile Delivery: Embodying Scrum Principles for Project Success

Scrum provides a simple yet powerful framework for creating and delivering valuable products. The key to success with scrum is understanding and embracing the scrum values, principles, and practices and using them to build great products that delight your customers. Scrum Events Scrum utilizes four events to keep the work […]

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Python vs Piton

Monty Python's Flying Circus

Python ‘ın nasıl okunduğu “native” olmayan bizler için biraz karışıktır. “Piton” olarak okumuyoruz, basit olarak “Paytın” şeklinde okunuyor diyebiliriz. Python ‘nın aksanı dışında bir diğer efsane de bu isimin nereden geldiği dir. Python adı Piton Yılanı’ ndan gelmiyor. Bir nedenimiz daha oldu ve Python ‘ı Piton diye okumayalım 🙂 Python […]

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Clean Code – Uncle Bob

Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin)

“Coding Better World Together” is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today’s society. In this first lesson, Uncle Bob demonstrates the need to write clean code. He establishes […]

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Aslolan Aşktır

sertab erener

Aslolan AşktırSusma konuşalım,Dersen ona da evetİster savaşalımİster barışalımİster daha uzakYa da yakın durarakSen seç ben uyarımAslolan aşktırGidiyorum bu defa bitti derkenBir adım geriye uzlaştıkÇünkü ortalama bir aşktıkŞiddeti vasatın altındaZora gelince kaçtıkNe sen canım ne benGöze alamazdıkAşk bu ölüme eştirBizse sıradandıkDaha çok yolumuz varMuhtelif konumuz varÖnce durulmalıSonra kibar kibarGidiyorum bu defa […]

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The Making of Python

The Making of Python

A Conversation with Guido van Rossum by Bill Venners January 13, 2003 Summary Python creator Guido van Rossum talks with Bill Venners about Python’s history, the influence of the ABC language, and Python’s original design goals. Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. […]

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