“The Art of Strategy: Steps Towards Business Agility”, strateji kavramını derinlemesine ele alan bir eserdir. Kitap, Sun Tzu’nun “Savaş Sanatı” eserini modern iş dünyasına uyarlayarak, John Boyd’un OODA döngüsü ve Simon Wardley’nin Wardley Haritalama teknikleriyle harmanlar.er bölüm, Sun Tzu’nun öğretilerini günümüz iş dünyasına adapte eder ve Boyd ile Wardley’nin perspektifleriyle […]
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The computing world recently bid farewell to one of its most influential figures, Professor Niklaus Wirth, who passed away just shy of his 90th birthday. A Swiss computer scientist, Wirth is celebrated for creating the Pascal programming language, a cornerstone in the development of modern computing. Born in Winterthur, Switzerland, […]
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Creating a Culture of Software Craftsmanship[EuroPython 2018 – Talk – 2018-07-27 – Moorfoot][Edinburgh, UK] By Keith Harrison This time it’ll be different. It’s a green field project and you’ve learned from your mistakes. You’re not going to make the same ones again. Fast forward several months and you’re in a […]
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