
Python PyMuPDF

PyMuPDF is a library for reading and manipulating PDF files in Python.

DoorDash expands ‘ghost kitchen’ concept using Bay Area restaurants

DoorDash expands ‘ghost kitchen’ concept using Bay Area restaurants

DoorDash (DASH) is boosting the delivery-only food service model, using a version it opened nearly two years ago in California. This week, the food delivery company opened its second DoorDash Kitchens inside a local mall in San Jose, California. Under one roof, six “ghost kitchen” restaurants — including Aria Korean […]

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Things you should look for in a Code Review

Things you should look for in a Code Review

Code review, or peer review, is a quality assurance activity in software development where one or several individuals examine parts of the code. The purpose of code review is to ensure that the code base is of good quality and to allow reviewers and authors to learn from each other. […]

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Word Cloud Kullanımı

Word Cloud

Sunumlarımda arada sırada Word Cloud (Sözcük Bulutu) kullanıyorum. Bu amaçla iki siteden yararlanıyorum. WordClouds Bir sözcük listesini ve ağırlıklarını girebiliyorsunuz. Ayarları pratik olarak tam anlamasam dahi istediğim görseli elde edebiliyorum. Bu site bir metini analiz ederek bir bulut oluşturuyor.

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