
Tobias Uhlig

Tobias Uhlig is an expert in industry, known for his insightful contributions and innovative approaches.

Geçmişe Bağımız Bir Çift Mavi Göz mü?

Geçmişe Bağımız Bir Çift Mavi Göz mü?

Mavi gözlü insanların genetik kökenlerini açıklayan bir araştırma tartışılıyor.  Kopenhag Üniversitesi’nden bilim insanları, mavi göz rengine sahip tüm insanların genetik olarak tek bir ortak atadan geldiğini iddia ediyor. Bu çarpıcı bulgu, insan genomunda yaklaşık 6.000 ila 10.000 yıl önce meydana gelen bir mutasyonla ilişkili. Mavi gözlerin nedeni, OCA2 geninin etkisini […]

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Revolutionizing Front-End Development: The Power of neo.mjs.

Revolutionizing Front-End Development: The Power of neo.mjs.

In the rapidly evolving world of web development, neo.mjs stands out as a groundbreaking JavaScript framework, especially with its latest release, version 5. Based on Tobias Uhlig’s piece on ITNEXT, this article delves into the innovative features of neo.mjs and its Impact on the future of frontend development. Transforming Frontend […]

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Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers

Stephen King’s 20 Rules for Writers

Rule Number Rule Description 1 Write for yourself first. During rewrites, remove anything that isn’t essential to the story. 2 Avoid passive voice. Passive voice is safe, but it’s not engaging. 3 Limit adverbs. Adverbs aren’t your friends. 4 Avoid using adverbs after “he said” and “she said.” 5 If […]

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