Some articles that might interest you
Some articles that might interest you
Özgür Özkök
Turkish-Wordnet is a library that provides wordnet for Turkish.
Some articles that might interest you
MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) bir iletişim protokolüdür ve hafif bir mesajlaşma protokolü olarak tasarlandı. Bu protokol, küçük cihazlar ve sensörler gibi az güç tüketen cihazlar arasında veri iletimi için tasarlanmıştır. MQTT protokolü, bir mesaj yayıncısı (publisher) ve bir veya daha fazla mesaj abonesi (subscriber) arasında haberleşmeyi sağlar. Mesaj yayıncısı, […]
In the restaurant industry, tablets are a ubiquitous sight. They’re used for everything from taking orders to processing payments. But while tablets can be a valuable tool, they can also be a significant source of frustration. That’s where Klikit comes in. Klikit is a SaaS platform that helps restaurants streamline […]
Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to achieve specific goals. A project management methodology is a framework that provides a structured approach to project management. There are many different project management methodologies, each with strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will provide an introduction […]
The article highlights the challenge of integrating junior employees in remote and hybrid work environments and suggests a structured mentoring program. The mentoring program should pair senior staff members with junior staff for virtual mentoring sessions. The senior staff member from the junior colleague’s team should meet with them monthly […]
I can’t live without this. GNU Emacs is a highly customizable and extensible text editor in the GNU Project. Developed by Richard Stallman and his Free Software Foundation (FSF) team, GNU Emacs is known for its powerful features and flexibility, making it a popular choice among programmers, writers, and other […]
Güllerin içinden canımKoşarak koşarak gel bana gelO güzel gözlerini canımSüzerek süzerek gel bana gelBu küskün yüzün gayrı gülsün canımGülerek gülerek gel bana gel …ahhhhh Güllerin içinden canımKoşarak koşarak gel bana gelO güzel gözlerini canımSüzerek süzerek gel bana gelBu küskün yüzün gayrı gülsün canımGülerek gülerek gel bana gelDayanamadım gayrı döndüm canımDiyerek […]