
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare, often regarded as the greatest playwright in the English language, was a renowned poet and dramatist of the Renaissance era, whose timeless works such as “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” and “Macbeth” continue to be celebrated for their profound literary and theatrical impact.

Embracing Contentment in Progress: Agile Development Through Shakespeare’s Lens

Embracing Contentment in Progress: Agile Development Through Shakespeare's Lens

In his timeless play “King Lear,” William Shakespeare presents a profound observation through the Duke of Albany: “Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.” Though centuries old, this line resonates strikingly with modern Agile software development practices. It is a cautionary tale about the pursuit of improvement and the […]

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Breaking the Mold: Exploring Agile Frameworks for Modern Software Development

Breaking the Mold: Exploring Agile Frameworks for Modern Software Development

Agile frameworks are specific approaches to planning, managing, and executing work. They typically fall into two categories: frameworks designed for teams. Frameworks intended to help organizations practice Agile at scale across many groups. Some popular Agile frameworks include Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), and Kanban. Although Agile was initially designed as […]

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Sakızlı rakı dersleri

yeni rakı

Gençler bilmez, bu rakıların kapakları eskiden farklı idi. Gazoz kapağına benzerdi,  fakat bıçak ile keserek açardık.  Zevkli olmayan işlemden kurtulabilmek için çeşitli gizli kodlar dilden dile dolaşırdı.  Şişenin altındaki seri numaranın son rakamı 3 ise rakı iyidir,  sondan ikinci rakam 2 ise kapak kolay açılır.  Biz alışmıştık, kendimize göre zevkler […]

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