The Common Closure Principle (CCP)

The Common Closure Principle (CCP) is a software design principle related to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). It suggests that classes within a component should be closed against the same kind of changes, meaning that a change that affects one course within the element should also affect all other classes within the same component.
The goal of CCP is to increase the maintainability of a software system by limiting the scope of changes and reducing the impact of those changes. By following this principle, it is possible to minimize the number of components that need to be modified in response to a transformation, which can help reduce the system’s complexity and make it easier to maintain.
CCP is closely related to the idea of separation of concerns, which suggests that different aspects of a system should be modularized and kept separate to improve the maintainability and flexibility of the system. By following CCP and other design principles such as SRP, it is possible to create a system that is more resilient to change and easier to maintain over time.