What is JUnit for Java?

JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. It allows you to write and run repeatable tests to ensure that your code is correct and remains correct as you develop and maintain it. JUnit is an open-source project developers use to write and test cases for their Java-based applications. It is an essential tool for any Java developer, as it helps ensure the code is high quality and bugs-free. With JUnit, you can write test cases that check the correctness of your code and automatically verify that the code is correct.
Some advantages of JUnit are:
- It is easy to use and understand, as it has a simple and intuitive API.
- It is open-source and freely available to use without licensing costs.
- It is well-documented, with a large user community that provides support and assistance.
- It is widely used, so much information and resources are available online.
- It is highly configurable, so you can customize it to suit your needs.
- It is compatible with various development environments and builds tools for multiple projects.
Some limitations of JUnit are:
- It is geared towards unit testing, which is unsuitable for testing larger or more complex systems.
- It does not support testing GUI (graphical user interface) applications.
- It does not support the testing of distributed systems.
- It does not provide any support for performance testing.
- It does not have any built-in support for testing database applications.