What Is Blockchain? | World Economic Forum
By using math and cryptography, Blockchain is challenging the status quo in a radical way. Will governments and financial institutions embrace it?
Özgür Özkök
By using math and cryptography, Blockchain is challenging the status quo in a radical way. Will governments and financial institutions embrace it?
DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide high-quality continuous delivery. DevOps culture is a way of thinking about and working with technology that emphasizes collaboration, communication, and automation. It is a […]
MongoDB is one of the most used, open-source document database, and NoSQL database. MongoDB is developed by 10gen. It is written in c++ and it is a document-oriented database. It uses BSON format. This tutorial will provide you good understanding on MongoDB concepts and provide you the hands on skills […]
Hayat bayram olsa ya da yarın hiç olmasaGözlerini açsan penceremden baksanGüneş yüzüne doğsa Hayat bayram olsa ya da yarın hiç olmasaGözlerini açsan penceremden baksanYüzüne yüzüm doğsa Olmuyor istediğimiz gibi olmuyorGenellikler içindeyiz öznellik görünmüyorOlmuyor istediğimiz gibi olmuyorGenellikler içindeyiz öznellik görünmüyor Sözün dilim olsa ya da neden hiç olmasaEllerimi açsam gözlerimden baksanYoluna […]
Yukihiro Matsumoto a.k.a. Matz, is a Japanese computer scientist and software programmer best known as the chief designer of the Ruby programming language and its reference implementation, Matz’s Ruby Interpreter (MRI). His demeanor has brought about a motto in the Ruby community “Matz is nice and so we are nice,” […]
Agile has come of age, everyone seems to be doing Agile, or at least talking about Agile, and yet more and more people are talking about failing with Agile, or the failure of Agile. In this talk, @sleepyfox answers the questions: How did this come about? Is Agile not really […]
Gitmem gerek bu şehirdenBir rüya oldun sevdamın gergefindeNeden çocuklar beni gösteriyor?Yağmur yağsa güneşin yerineHa gayret güzelim gayretBiter elbet bu yağmur sabret Sensizlikten olsa gerekÇekilmez oldu buralarHep benle beraber bulamadıklarımBak cesaretim yok artıkGeç oldu yorgunumYine deli oldum sayendeSaçında rüzgarHa gayret güzelim gayretBiter elbet bu yağmur sabret Ayrılıktan olsa gerekGecikiyor sabahlarHep benle […]
Özkan Uğur, Bedük ve Sıla’dan nefes kesici bir “Sude” yorumu, Zorlu Performans Sanatları Merkezi’nde gerçekleşen “Bi Dans Etsek” albüm lansman konserinden!
The Principles of Clean Architectureby Uncle Bob Martin(@unclebobmartin) Robert C. Martin, aka Uncle Bob, has been a software professional since 1970 and an international software consultant since 1990. In the last 40 years, he has worked on hundreds of software projects in various capacities. In 2001, he initiated the group […]
Kent Beck invented Extreme Programming. Guest of honor of the 5th annual Lean IT Summit, he reviewed what he got right, what he got wrong, what he’s still working on and how things work at Facebook where he is now.