This Ansible tutorial will help you understand why Ansible is needed, what is Ansible, Ansible as a pull configuration tool, Ansible architecture, Ansible playbook, Ansible inventory, how Ansible works, Ansible tower and you will also see a use case on how Hootsuite used Ansible. Increasing team productivity and improving business […]
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Sevgili dostum, iyi insan ve değerli müzisyen Murat Çelik ile keyifli bir röportaj
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Rekabet Kurumu, Google hakkında yürütülen soruşturmayı tamamlayarak, nihai kararı açıkladı. Karar sonucunda Google, 93 milyon TL ceza ödemeye mahkum edildi. 19.09.2018 tarihli toplantıda , Google’ın 4054 sayılı rekabetin korunması hakkında kanunu ihlal ettiğine karar verildi. Rekabet Kurumu kararında, Google’ın lisanslanabilir mobil işletim sistemleri pazarında hakim durumda olduğuna karar verdi. Kararda Google’ın cihaz […]
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Entity Framework (EF) and Dapper both are object-relational mappers that enable .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects. Dapper owns the title of King of Micro ORM in terms of performance. Entity Framework Advantages Disadvantages Dapper Advantages Disadvantages For the full documentation please visit official page
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Ölüler Dirilerden Çalacak Ölüler dirilerden çalacakSilahını al , silahını alÖlüler dirilerden çalacakHakkında değil fazlasında gözü varVar mızmızlar dımdızlak kalacaklarSaygın adamları korku basacakÖlüler dirilerden çalacak Bugün ses tellerime kan dolmuş ahDemek alnımıza yazılan buymuş ahAyık ol kazılan mezarlar çokluBu hesabın adı gasp konmuşHayat kimleri yormuş? Vip mekanlar private partilerKrallar gibiykenZaman didaktik […]
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Elasticsearch is a distributed, open-source search and analytics engine designed for managing and processing large volumes of data in real time. It is based on the Apache Lucene search library and provides a distributed, multi-tenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is often […]
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An innovative and compact solution from Verifone Watch how integrated POS, Carbon 10, is helping merchants deliver value-added experiences to their customers while helping to grow their businesses.
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JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms. The look and feel of JavaFX applications can be customized. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) separate appearance and style from implementation so that […]
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