Pizza Hut Battaniyeleri Kapışıldı.
Pizza Hut’ ın dev bir pizza şeklinde yaptığı yaklaşık yedi kilogramlık battaniyeler büyük ilgi görmüş. Karantinada girdiğimiz kış mevsiminde afiyet olsun diyelim.
Özgür Özkök
Pizza Hut’ ın dev bir pizza şeklinde yaptığı yaklaşık yedi kilogramlık battaniyeler büyük ilgi görmüş. Karantinada girdiğimiz kış mevsiminde afiyet olsun diyelim.
ANKARA – Turkish Airlines announced on Wednesday that its operations have returned to normalcy after experiencing technical issues with its ticket reservation and booking systems. This led to the cancellation of all flights departing from Istanbul. Yahya Ustun, the senior vice president for media relations, clarified that the disruptions were […]
Dayanışmanın her rengini görebildiğim 1 Mayıs kutlamaları , Maltepe miting alanında yapıldı.
The ubiquity of English in the realm of programming languages is undeniable. From the early days of computing, many foundational and widely used programming languages have been developed with English-based keywords and syntax. But how does this dominance affect non-English-speaking developers? Let’s delve into the implications and the challenges faced […]
Language is more than just a communication medium; it reflects culture, history, and personal identity. It shapes our thought processes, influences our perceptions, and provides a sense of belonging. When it comes to programming, the question arises: Could coding in one’s native language foster a more profound connection or understanding […]
The world of technology is rapidly evolving, with globalization playing a pivotal role in shaping its trajectory. As we stand at this crossroads, a pertinent question emerges: In this globalized tech landscape, will the dominance of English in programming wane, giving way to a surge in non-English-based programming languages? Or […]
WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) that enables users to create, design, and manage websites without requiring deep coding knowledge. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, flexibility, and extensive customization options. WordPress was introduced in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as a fork of the […]
WordPress shines as a beacon of versatility and user-friendliness in the vast universe of website creation and blogging platforms. However, newcomers often find themselves at a crossroads: or While both originate from the same source, they cater to different audiences and purposes. Let’s delve into the intricacies of […]
Google’s recent update to its Search guidelines has stirred controversy among website owners. The tech giant made a significant change by allowing AI-generated content in its search results. While this move was intended to improve the quality of search results, many site owners have reported drastic drops in their website […]
The Tower of Babel is a narrative found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis, chapter 11, verses 1-9. It is a story that explains the origin of different languages and the dispersal of people worldwide. Here is a summary of the story along with its implications: The […]