Basic KPIs Across Agile Methodologies

In Agile software development, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to measure the success and progress of a project. Some common KPIs in Agile include:
- Sprint Velocity: measures the amount of work completed in a sprint
- Lead Time: measures the time it takes for a feature to be terminated from the time it is requested
- Defect Density: counts the number of defects (bugs) per unit of work
- Cumulative Flow Diagram: measures the amount of work in progress and completed over Time
- Cycle Time: measures the time it takes for a user story to be completed from start to finish
- Team Satisfaction: measures the team’s level of satisfaction with the project and work environment.
These are some of the common KPIs in Agile, but other metrics may also be used depending on the project.