“Açık Kaynak Yazılımlar ile Test ve Süreç Otomasyonu” konulu seminerimizde açık kaynaklı test frameworkleri kullanılarak farklı türde ürünlerin (web, mobil, servis, desktop) testlerinde ve sürekli tekrar eden işlerin otomatize edilmesinde kullanımı sağlanabilmektedir. Kuveyt Türk’ten Test Yöneticisi Abdurrahman Akın kurumda kullanılan açık kaynak frameworkleri hakkında bilgi paylaşıp nasıl kullandığımıza ve nasıl kullanılabileceğine dair bilgi paylaşımında bulunacaklar. […]
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Miniconda, Python diline dayalı bir dağıtım paketidir. Bu dağıtım, Python diline dayalı uygulamaların yüklenmesi, yönetilmesi ve dağıtılması için kullanılır. Miniconda, Python diline dayalı uygulamaları yüklemek için kullanılan Anaconda dağıtımının bir versiyonudur. Anaconda, Python diline dayalı uygulamaların yüklenmesi, yönetilmesi ve dağıtılması için kullanılan bir dağıtımdır. Ancak, Anaconda dağıtımı, birçok ek paketi de içerir ve bu nedenle […]
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Swarming is a software development method in which multiple team members simultaneously work on the same user story or task. This can be done in various ways, such as mob programming, where all team members work on a single problem using a single computer or having specific roles work together, such as a developer and […]
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Agile project management is an approach that aims to be more flexible, responsive, and adaptable to changes to increase the likelihood of success. It is based on 12 principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto, developed in 2001 by software developers frustrated with traditional project management methods. These principles include satisfying customers through early and continuous […]
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It can be tough to make changes in large, complicated codebases. When we make changes, we must know that we are making them one at a time. Too often, we think we are changing only one thing, but instead, we change other things unintentionally: introducing bugs. If we can write tests against old code, we […]
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OpenSSL is a software library that provides cryptographic functionality, including secure communications over computer networks. It is widely used to implement the secure sockets layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS) protocols, which are used to establish secure connections between networked computers. OpenSSL is used in many software applications and operating systems to provide security […]
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There are several alternatives to Git for version control and source code management. Some of the most popular options include: Mercurial: This distributed version control system is similar to Git in many ways. It is fast, easy to use, and has a large and active community. Subversion: This centralized version control system has existed for […]
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Both Pandas and Polars are valuable tools that serve different purposes. Pandas is a data manipulation and analysis library for Python, while Polars is a data visualization library specifically designed to work with Pandas data frames. Pandas is a powerful tool for working with and manipulating data in Python. It provides various functions for reading, […]
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