

Logistics is the process of planning, organizing, and managing the flow of goods and services from the point of origin to the point of consumption. It is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential for the success of any business.

Bulut Mutfak: Paket yemek servisi IN, masa düzeni OUT!

#64 Paket yemek servisi IN, masa düzeni OUT! - Paket Mutfak - Eytan Nahmiyas - capslock podcast

capslock podcast’in 64. bölümünde, Paket Mutfak’ın kurucu ortağı Eytan Nahmiyas ile sohbet ediyoruz. Eytan ve Tali bundan birkaç sene önce Akbank’a Tosla’nın alt yapısını lisanslayan Geld girişiminin kurucuları. Henüz üniversitedeyken kurdukları para transferi girişimini başarılı şekilde lisansladıktan sonra bambaşka bir derdi çözmek için kolları sıvıyorlar. Paket Mutfak, Bulut Mutfak iş […]

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How Amazon Delivers On One-Day Shipping

How Amazon Delivers On One-Day Shipping

Prime Day, Amazon’s biggest shopping event, is here, and now one-day shipping is the norm for millions of items available during Amazon’s Prime Day event, which runs from July 15 to July 16. To succeed at this rapid delivery, Amazon spends tens of billions of dollars every year and employs […]

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