

Determining The Sizes Of Tables For MySQL

Determining The Sizes Of Tables For MySQL

To determine the sizes of your tables, including data and indexes, you can query the database when using the InnoDB storage engine in a MySQL information_schema database. It information_schema provides metadata about other databases and their structures.

Here’s how you can retrieve and sort the sizes of your tables:

1. Retrieve Table Sizes:

Use the following query to get the sizes of tables in terms of data and indexes:

    table_schema AS 'Database',
    table_name AS 'Table',
    ROUND(data_length / (1024 * 1024), 2) AS 'Data Size (MB)',
    ROUND(index_length / (1024 * 1024), 2) AS 'Index Size (MB)',
    ROUND((data_length + index_length) / (1024 * 1024), 2) AS 'Total Size (MB)'
    table_schema = 'your_database_name'  -- Replace with your database name
    (data_length + index_length) DESC;   -- This will sort by total size in descending order

2. Sorting:

In the above query, the ORDER BY clause sorts the results by the total size of each table (data + index) in descending order. You can adjust the clause accordingly if you want to sort by date or index size specifically.

For example:

  • To sort by data size: ORDER BY data_length DESC
  • To sort by index size: ORDER BY index_length DESC


  • The sizes are approximate, especially for InnoDB tables, due to how InnoDB storage works with MVCC (Multi-Version Concurrency Control) and other factors.
  • Ensure you replace 'your_database_name' it with the actual name of your database.
  • You can remove the clause if you want to see the sizes for all databases. However, be cautious; this might return many rows if you have many databases and tables.

Executing the above query in your MySQL client or tool (like MySQL Workbench) will give you a clear view of the sizes of your tables, helping you manage and optimize your database storage.