

How To Download YouTube Videos in Python?

How To Download YouTube Videos in Python?

To build a Python program to download YouTube videos, you will need to:

  1. Install the Python programming language and the necessary libraries, such as pytube and ffmpeg.
  2. Use the pytube library to access the YouTube video and retrieve its streaming data.
  3. Use the ffmpeg library to convert the streaming data into a format that can be saved as a video file on your computer.
  4. Use Python’s built-in urllib library to download the video file from the streaming data.
  5. Save the video file to your desired location on your computer.
# Import the necessary libraries
from pytube import YouTube
import ffmpeg
import urllib
# Set the URL of the YouTube video you want to download
url = ''
# Use the pytube library to access the YouTube video and retrieve its streaming data
yt = YouTube(url)
stream = yt.streams.first()
# Use the ffmpeg library to convert the streaming data into a video file
video_file = ffmpeg.input(stream.url)
video_file = ffmpeg.output(video_file, 'output.mp4')
# Use Python's built-in urllib library to download the video file
urllib.request.urlretrieve(stream.url, 'output.mp4')
# Save the video file to your desired location
with open('output.mp4', 'wb') as f:
How to Build a Python Program to Download YouTube Videos

This code will download the YouTube video specified by the url variable and save it as an mp4 file.

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