

MongoDB In 30 Minutes


We are diving into the MongoDB NoSQL database and looking at the fundamentals and the syntax to create, read, update and delete documents/data

MongoDB In 30 Minutes

MongoDB is a popular, open-source NoSQL database. NoSQL databases store data in a non-relational format, unlike traditional relational databases (SQL) that store data in tables with rows and columns.

Advantages of MongoDB:

  • Flexible and scalable data model, allowing for easy changes to the structure of stored data
  • High performance and efficient handling of large amounts of unstructured data
  • Supports horizontal scaling with sharding, making it easy to scale as the volume of data grows
  • Provides built-in aggregation and indexing to speed up data retrieval
  • Offers rich query language and secondary indexes to support various data access patterns

Disadvantages of MongoDB:

  • Limited support for complex transactions, making it unsuitable for applications that require atomic operations across multiple documents
  • Performance can degrade with complex queries and a large number of collections.
  • A lack of declarative query language like SQL can challenge some developers.
  • Requires more system resources compared to some other NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra

Alternatives to MongoDB:

  • Apache Cassandra: a highly scalable, distributed database designed for handling large amounts of data across many commodity servers
  • CouchDB: a document-oriented database with a focus on ease of use and scalability
  • Amazon DynamoDB: a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Redis: an in-memory data store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker.