MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError in Superset

When you encounter a MySQLdb._exceptions.IntegrityError
in Apache Superset, it typically means that an operation within Superset tries to write to the MySQL database but violates a database integrity constraint. This could happen during various operations, such as adding or modifying a dataset, dashboard, or user, among other things.
Here’s how you can approach this issue:
- Check Superset Logs: Look at the logs for the entire error message. The logs often tell you what operation was performed when the error occurred and which table and constraint were violated.
- Database Schema: Review the MySQL database schema that Superset is using. Check for any constraints like unique, foreign, and NOT NULL constraints that could be causing the issue.
- Reproduce the Issue: Try to reproduce the issue with the same steps that led to the error. This can help you pinpoint the exact operation causing the integrity constraint violation.
- Data Review: If the error occurred while inserting or updating data, review it to ensure it adheres to the constraints defined in the database schema.
- Superset Version: Ensure that your version of Superset is compatible with the version of MySQL you are using. Sometimes, database-related errors can occur due to incompatibilities between software versions.
- Database Migrations: If you have recently upgraded Superset or applied new database migrations, ensure they have been executed correctly and completely.
- Database User Permissions: Make sure that the database user that Superset is using has the correct permissions. Lack of adequate permissions can sometimes manifest as integrity errors.
- Contact Support: If you cannot resolve the issue, consider contacting the Superset community or support channels. Please provide them with the error message, logs, and steps to reproduce the issue.
- Backup and Recovery: If you suspect the database has become corrupt or there are issues with the data, ensure you have recent backups and consider restoring from a backup before the issue begins.
- Database Consistency: Run a consistency check on your MySQL database to ensure there are no underlying issues with the database itself.
Remember, the exact solution will depend on the details of the integrity constraint being violated, which should be detailed in the error message within the Superset logs.