What is Fake Agile? What are Anti-patterns? And Why Are They Hurting Your Organization? This article discusses the concept of fake Agile and anti-patterns that can hinder an organization’s ability to implement agility. While Agile is a philosophy at its core, many companies miss this fundamental difference when transitioning into […]
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Iterative and Agile management are two project management methodologies recently gaining popularity. While they have different focuses, they can be used together to provide a robust framework for delivering successful projects. Iterative management is breaking down a large project into smaller, manageable chunks. This allows teams to identify and address […]
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Agile and Scrum are often used interchangeably, but they are significantly different. Agile is a broad set of values and principles that guide software development. In contrast, Scrum is a specific framework or methodology used to implement Agile values and principles. Agile is a set of values and principles prioritizing […]
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If you use retrospectives or any meeting where people are supposed to discuss and learn from their discussions, you will experience less efficient sessions from time to time. There is no wonder about that, and it happens to most people. This article describes and offers solutions for three unfortunate situations: […]
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Sprint planning is a meeting at the beginning of a sprint in a Scrum project. The sprint planning meeting aims to determine what work will be completed in the sprint. This is done by reviewing the product backlog and selecting items that can be completed in the upcoming sprint. The […]
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Agile software development is a methodology that emphasizes flexibility and collaboration. Agile teams work in short cycles, or sprints, to deliver working software regularly. This allows them to respond quickly to changes in requirements and ensure that the final product meets the customer’s needs. The Agile Lifecycle The Agile lifecycle […]
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A Guide to the Principles, benefits, and Drawbacks of Agile Development Agile software development is a set of principles and practices emphasizing flexibility and collaboration. Agile teams work in short cycles, or sprints, to deliver working software regularly. This allows them to respond quickly to changes in requirements and ensure […]
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This video is all about the agile sprint review and how to get better feedback out of it. But rather than going through generic tips, I’m going beyond the typical tips and tricks you found in most textbooks about how to improve your agile sprint review meeting. I’m going beyond […]
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Melvin Conway’ in bir kuramını yazılım yönetim tekniklerinde sıkça kullanıyoruz. “Sistemleri tasarlayan organizasyonlar … kendi iletişim yapılarının birer kopyasını üretmekle sınırlıdır” Conway, Melvin E. (April 1968), “How do Committees Invent?”, Datamation ‘da orijinal makaleyi incelebilirsiniz. Conway ‘in bu tespiti Conway Yasası olarak adlandırılıyor. Yazılım geliştiren ekiplerin aralarındaki iletişim ve diğer […]
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Daily Standup Meeting or Daily Scrum Meeting Understand details of Daily Scrum Calls, Daily Scrum Meetings, or daily huddles. With topics below The Daily Standup Meeting, or the Daily Scrum Meeting, is a short, time-boxed event (typically 15 minutes) that occurs every day in which the development team reviews progress […]
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