Collaboration Made Easy: Harnessing the Power of PyCharm and GitHub Together

What is PyCharm?
PyCharm is a powerful and versatile integrated development environment (IDE) for Python programmers. It offers a range of features that help you write high-quality code faster and more efficiently. Whether working on web development, data science, machine learning, or any other Python project, PyCharm can assist you with its intelligent tools and integrations.
Some of the main features of PyCharm are:
- Intelligent code completion and analysis: PyCharm can understand your code and suggest improvements, corrections, and refactorings. It can also detect syntax errors, bugs, and potential issues before you run your code.
- Graphical debugger and test runner: PyCharm lets you debug your code step by step with breakpoints, watches, and evaluations. It also supports various testing frameworks such as unit test, pytest, nose, and doctest.
- Version control integration: PyCharm works seamlessly with popular version control systems such as Git, GitHub, SVN, Mercurial, and Perforce. You can manage your commits, branches, merges, Pull requests, and code reviews within the IDE.
- Web development support: PyCharm supports various web frameworks such as Django, Flask, Google App Engine, Pyramid, web2py, etc. You can easily create templates, edit HTML/CSS/JavaScript files, run servers, debug web applications, and use databases.
- Scientific tools: PyCharm integrates with IPython Notebook, Anaconda, matplotlib, NumPy, pandas, TensorFlow, Keras, etc. With interactive consoles and plots, you can perform data analysis, visualization, machine learning, and deep learning tasks.
- Cross-technology development: Besides Python, PyCharm supports other languages such as JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Cython, SQL, etc. You can also use plugins to extend its functionality for other technologies such as Ruby, PHP, Java, C++, etc.
PyCharm comes in two editions: Professional and Community.
- The Professional edition has all the features mentioned above plus more advanced ones such as remote development capabilities, database & SQL support, Python profiler, etc.
- The Community edition is free and open-source but has limited features compared to the Professional edition.
PyCharm was created by JetBrains, a Czech company that develops software tools for developers. It was first released in 2010 and has since become one of the most popular Python IDEs in the world. If you want to learn more about PyCharm, you can visit its official website.
What Is GitHub?
GitHub is a web-based platform that provides developers with a central location to store and collaborate on code. It is a popular version control system that allows users to keep track of changes made to code over time. GitHub was launched in 2008 and has since become the most potent code-hosting platform in the world.
GitHub allows developers to create repositories, essentially folders where code files can be stored. These repositories can be public, meaning anyone can view and download the code, or private, meaning only authorized users can access the code. GitHub also provides various tools to help developers collaborate on code, including creating and reviewing pull requests, tracking issues, and managing project boards.
One of the most powerful features of GitHub is its version control system, which allows developers to track changes made to code over time. This means that if a mistake is made or a bug is introduced, developers can easily roll back to a previous version of the code to fix the problem. Additionally, GitHub’s version control system makes it easy to work collaboratively on code with others. Multiple people can work on the same codebase simultaneously without fear of overwriting each other’s changes.
GitHub also provides a range of other valuable features for developers, such as a wiki for documentation, a bug tracker for managing issues, and the ability to host and run websites using GitHub Pages. GitHub is operated by a wide range of individuals and organizations, from individual hobbyists to large corporations, making it an essential tool for the modern developer.
How to Integrate PyCharm with GitHub
Integrating PyCharm with GitHub can bring many benefits to your Python projects. You can easily access your GitHub repositories from within PyCharm, perform everyday Git operations such as commit, push, pull, Branch, merge, etc., and use the built-in tools of PyCharm to work with your code. You also take advantage of the collaboration features of GitHub to share your code with others and get feedback.
We will integrate PyCharm with GitHub in simple steps.
Step 1: Install Git and create a GitHub account
Before you can integrate PyCharm with GitHub, you must have Git installed on your computer and create a GitHub account if you don’t have one.
- To install Git on Windows or Mac OSX, download it from and follow the instructions.
- To install Git on Linux, use your package manager or follow the instructions:
- To create a GitHub account, go to and sign up for free. You will need to provide a username, an email address, and a password. You will also need to verify your email address by clicking on the link GitHub sent you.
Step 2: Configure PyCharm to use Git
Once you have installed Git and created a GitHub account, you must configure PyCharm to use Git as your version control system.
To do this, open PyCharm and go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git. Here, you need to specify the path to your Git executable file. If you are using Windows or Mac OS X, it should be automatically detected by PyCharm. If not, or if you are using Linux, you can browse for it manually.
You can also configure other options here, such as how often PyCharm should check for changes in your Repository, how it should handle line endings, etc. For more details on these options, see
Step 3: Add your GitHub account to PyCharm
The next step is to add your GitHub account to PyCharm so that you can access your repositories from within the IDE.
To do this, go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Github. Here, click on the + button at the bottom left corner of the window. A dialog box will appear where you must enter your username, email address, and password for your GitHub account. You can also choose whether to use HTTPS or SSH protocol for connecting with GitHub.
If everything goes well, you should see a message saying, “Connection successful.” Click OK to close the dialog box.
You can now see your GitHub account listed in the Github settings window. You can also add more charges if you have multiple ones.
Step 4: Clone or create a repository
Now that you have configured PyCharm to use Git and added your GitHub account, you are ready to clone or create a repository for your Python project.
To clone an existing repository from Github, go to VCS -> Get from Version Control. A dialog box will appear where you need to select Github as the source, enter the repository URL, and choose a directory where you want to save it locally.
You can also specify other options here, such as creating a new project based on the cloned Repository or opening it in an existing one.
Click Clone to start cloning the Repository.
To create a new repository on Github, go to VCS -> Import into Version Control -> Share Project on Github.
A dialog box will appear where you need to enter a name for your Repository, and optionally a description, and choose whether it should be public or private.
Click Share to create the Repository.
You can now see your Repository in the Project tool window under VCS.
You can also view it online
Setting up the Environment on Mac
To install PyCharm on your Mac, follow these steps:
- Go to and choose the edition that suits your needs.
- Download the .dmg File and open it.
- Drag the PyCharm icon to the Applications folder.
- Launch PyCharm from the Applications folder or the Launchpad.
Creating a GitHub account
To create a GitHub account, follow these steps:
- Go to and click on Sign up.
- Enter your username, email address, and password.
- Choose a plan that suits your needs. You can start with the free plan, which gives you unlimited public repositories and some private repositories with limited collaborators.
- Verify your email address by clicking on the link GitHub sent you.
Linking PyCharm and GitHub
Once you have installed PyCharm and created a GitHub account, you can link them together to push and pull your code changes between them quickly. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open PyCharm and go to Preferences > Version Control > GitHub.
- Click on the + sign at the bottom left corner and enter your GitHub login credentials or use a token if you have enabled two-factor authentication on GitHub.
- Click on OK to add your GitHub account to PyCharm.
- Now, you can create a new project in PyCharm or open an existing one.
- Go to VCS > Import into Version Control > Share Project on GitHub.
- Choose a name for your Repository and click on Share.
- You will receive confirmation that your project has been successfully shared on GitHub.
Congratulations! You have successfully set up your environment on Mac using PyCharm and GitHub. Now you can start coding in Python and share your work with others!
Working with Git in PyCharm
Git is a popular version control system that allows you to track changes in your code and collaborate with other developers. PyCharm is a Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports Git integration.
Git basics: add, commit, push
Before we start working with Git in PyCharm, we need to ensure that Git is installed on our system and that we have a GitHub account to host our remote repositories. We must also create a local repository for our project or clone an existing one from GitHub.
To enable Git integration for a new or existing project in PyCharm, go to VCS > Enable Version Control Integration… and select Git from the popup menu. You should see some new icons in the top right corner of your PyCharm window that indicate the status of your files and allow you to perform various Git operations.
One of the most basic operations in Git is adding files to the staging area. In the staging area, you prepare your changes before committing them to the Repository. To add a file or a directory to the staging area, right-click on it and select Git> Add from the context menu. You can also use Ctrl+Alt+A (Cmd+Alt+A on Mac) as a shortcut. The file name will change from red (untracked) to green (staged).
Another essential operation is committing changes to the Repository. A commit is a snapshot of your code at a specific time with a message describing your actions. Go to VCS > Git > Commit… or press Ctrl+K (Cmd+K on Mac) to commit your changes. This will open the Commit Changes dialog, where you can write your commit message and select which files you want to include. Before committing, you can use options like Reformat Code or Optimize Imports to improve your code quality.
The last essential operation is pushing your changes to a remote repository. A remote repository is a copy of your local Repository hosted on another server like GitHub. Pushing your changes means sending them from your local Repository to the remote one so other developers can see them and collaborate with you. Go to VCS > Git > Push… or press Ctrl+Shift+K (Cmd+Shift+K on Mac) to push your changes. This will open the Push Commits dialog, where you can choose which Branch you want to push and which remote Repository to push it to.
Managing branches in PyCharm
One of the most powerful features of Git is branching. Branching allows you to create multiple codebase versions and work on them independently. You can use branches to experiment with new features, fix bugs, or refactor your code without affecting the main Branch.
Creating a branch
To create a new branch in PyCharm, you need to have an existing Git repository open in the IDE. You can either clone a remote repository or initialize a local one. Once you have a Repository available, follow these steps:
- Click on the Git icon in the bottom-right corner of the IDE window. This will open the Git tool window.
- In the Git tool window, click on the Branches tab. This will show you all the local and remote branches in your Repository.
- Click on the New Branch button at the top of the Branches tab. This opens a dialog where you can enter your new Branch’s name and choose whether to base it on an existing Branch.
- Enter a descriptive name for your new Branch and click Create. This will create a new Branch and switch to it automatically.
Switching between branches
To switch between branches in PyCharm, you can use either the Git tool window or the status bar.
- To switch using the Git tool window, click on the branch name you want to change to in the Branches tab. This will check out that Branch and update your working directory accordingly.
- To switch using the status bar, click on your current Branch’s name in the bottom-right corner of the IDE window. This will open a popup menu where you can select another branch or create a new one.
Merging branches
To merge two branches in PyCharm, you must have one checked out as your current Branch. Then follow these steps:
- Click VCS > Git > Merge Changes… in the main menu. This will open a dialog box where you can select another branch to merge into your current one.
- Select the Branch you want to merge from and click Merge. This will start merging changes from that Branch into your current one.
- If there are any conflicts during merging, PyCharm will show them in red markers in your code editor. You can resolve them by choosing which version of each conflicting line to keep or editing them manually.
- After resolving all conflicts, click Commit… at the bottom-right corner of each File with disputes. This will commit your merged changes to your current Branch.
Deleting branches
To delete a branch in PyCharm, follow these steps:
- Click on VCS > Git > Branches… in the main menu. This will open a dialog box where you can see all your local and remote branches.
- Right-click on the branch name you want to delete and select Delete from Local or Remote Branches, depending on its location.
- Confirm that you want to delete that Branch by clicking Delete again.
PyCharm efficiently manages branches in your Git repository with its graphical interface and intelligent conflict resolution tools. By using branching effectively, you can improve your workflow and code quality while collaborating.
Collaborating with Others using GitHub
We introduce some of the critical features of GitHub that enable collaboration: forking a repository, creating and reviewing pull requests, and using issues to track bugs and feature requests.
Forking a repository
A fork is a copy of a repository that you can modify without affecting the original. You can fork any public repository on GitHub by clicking the Fork button on the top right corner of the repository page. This will create a new repository under your account that is identical to the original one. You can then clone your forked Repository to your local machine and make changes.
Creating and reviewing pull requests
A pull request is a way of proposing changes to a repository. It lets you compare your forked Branch with the original Branch and request that your changes be merged. To create a pull request, you must push your local changes to your forked Repository on GitHub and click the Pull Request button on your repository page. You can then fill in details about your changes, such as the title, description, and reviewers.
Reviewing pull requests is an essential part of the collaboration. It allows you to give feedback on other people’s work, suggests improvements, and approve or reject changes. To review a pull request, go to the Pull Requests tab on the original repository page and select one of the open pull requests. You can then view the changes made by the author, leave comments on specific lines of code or files, and approve or request changes.
Using issues to track bugs and feature requests
Issues are a way of reporting problems or requesting new features for a project. They help you track what needs to be done and who is working on it. To create an issue, go to the Issues tab on any repository page and click the New Issue button. You can then fill in details about your issue, such as the title, description, labels, assignees, and milestones.
To manage issues effectively, you can use various tools provided by GitHub. For example:
- Labels help you categorize issues by type (e.g., bug or enhancement), priority (e.g., high or low), status (e.g., open or closed), etc.
- Assignees help you assign issues to those responsible for working on them.
- Milestones help you group issues by specific goals or deadlines.
- Projects help you organize issues into boards with columns representing stages (e.g., to do or done).
By using these features of GitHub, you can collaborate with others more efficiently and effectively on software projects.
Advanced Git Techniques in PyCharm
Git is a powerful and popular version control system that allows developers to collaborate and manage their code efficiently. PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) that supports Git and provides many useful features to work with it. In this blog post, we will explore some advanced Git techniques that can help you improve your workflow and productivity in PyCharm.
Git stash: temporarily shelving changes
Sometimes you may need to switch branches or pull updates from a remote repository, but you have some uncommitted changes that you don’t want to lose or commit yet. In this case, you can use the git stash command to temporarily save your changes on a stack and restore them later when needed.
PyCharm makes it easy to use git stash from the IDE. You can access the stash commands from the VCS menu or the Git tool window.
- To stash your changes, select VCS -> Git -> Stash Changes… and enter a message for your stash.
- To apply a Stash, select VCS -> Git -> Unstash Changes… and choose a stash from the list.
You can also view, delete, or create patches from your Stashes in the Git tool window.
Git rebase: integrating changes from other branches
Another common scenario is when you want to incorporate changes from another branch into your current Branch but don’t want to create a merge commit that clutters your History. In this case, you can use the Git rebase command to rewrite your Branch’s History as if it started from the latest Commit of the other Branch.
PyCharm also supports Git rebase from the IDE. You can access the rebase commands from the VCS menu or the Branches popup.
- To rebase your current Branch onto another branch, select VCS -> Git -> Rebase… and choose a Branch from the list.
- To abort a rebase operation, select VCS -> Git -> Abort Rebase.
You can also resolve conflicts or skip commits during a rebase operation using PyCharm’s graphical tools.
Git bisect: identifying which commit introduced a bug
Sometimes you may encounter a bug in your code that was not there before, but you don’t know which Commit taught it. In this case, you can use the Git bisect command to perform a binary search on your History and determine which Commit is responsible for the bug.
PyCharm also supports Git bisect from the IDE. You can access the bisect commands from the VCS menu or the Log tab of the Version Control tool window. To start a bisect session, select VCS -> Git -> Start Bisect Session… and specify which commits are good (without the bug) and Bad (with the bug). PyCharm will then check out a commit in between and ask you to test it for the bug. You can mark it as good or bad using VCS -> Git -> Mark Commit
as Good/Bad or keyboard shortcuts (Alt+G for good and Alt+B for Bad). PyCharm will then narrow down your search until it finds the culprit commit.
Tips and Tricks for PyCharm and GitHub Integration
PyCharm is a powerful and popular IDE for Python developers, and GitHub is the leading platform for hosting and collaborating on code projects. If you use both tools, you might want to know how to integrate them seamlessly and efficiently.
Keyboard shortcuts
One of the benefits of using PyCharm is that it has many keyboard shortcuts that can speed up your workflow. Here are some of the most useful ones for working with GitHub:
- Ctrl+K: Commit changes to your local Repository
- Ctrl+Shift+K: Push changes to your remote Repository
- Ctrl+T: Pull changes from your remote Repository
- Ctrl+Shift+A: Search for any action in PyCharm, including GitHub-related ones
- Alt+9: Open the Version Control tool window, where you can see the status of your files, branches, commits, etc.
Customizing PyCharm settings for GitHub integration
PyCharm has many settings that you can customize to suit your preferences and needs. Here are some of the locations that you might want to tweak for better GitHub integration:
- Under File> Settings > Version Control > Git, you can configure your Git executable path, SSH executable mode, branch protection rules, etc.
- Under File> Settings > Version Control > GitHub, you can add or remove your GitHub accounts, enable or disable two-factor authentication (2FA), choose how to clone repositories (SSH or HTTPS), etc.
- Under File> Settings > Tools > Terminal, you can choose which terminal emulator to use in PyCharm (e.g., cmd.exe on Windows or bash on Linux), set the default working directory for new terminals (e.g., project root or current File), etc.
Best practices for collaboration using PyCharm and GitHub
PyCharm and GitHub are great tools for collaborating on code projects with other developers. Here are some of the best practices that you should follow to ensure a smooth and productive collaboration:
- Use a consistent code style and formatting across your project. You can use PyCharm’s built-in code style settings or install a third-party plugin like Black or PEP 8.
- Write clear and informative commit messages describing your changes and why. You can use PyCharm’s commit dialog to write and check your messages against standard conventions.
- Use branches to work on different features or tasks without affecting the main Branch (usually Master or Main). You can create, switch, merge, rebase, and delete Branches using PyCharm’s branch popup menu (Ctrl+Shift+`).
- Use pull requests to propose changes to the main Branch or other branches. You can create pull requests from PyCharm using the Create Pull Request action (Ctrl+Shift+A) or from GitHub’s web interface. You can also review pull requests from other developers using PyCharm’s pull request tool window (Alt+0).
Using Pull Requests
A pull request proposes changes to a project and initiates a code review before merging them into the main Branch. Creating a pull request can help you collaborate with other developers and contribute to open-source projects.
Before creating a pull request, you must have a fork of the Repository you want to contribute to. A fork is a copy of the original Repository that you can modify without affecting the original. To fork a repository on GitHub, go to its page and click on the Fork button at the top right corner. You will then have your copy of the Repository under your account.
Next, you need to clone your forked Repository to your local machine so that you can work on it using PyCharm. To clone a repository, click the Code button on its GitHub page. Copy the URL that appears in the popup window. Then open PyCharm and choose File | New | Project from Version Control. Paste the URL in the URL field and click Clone.
Now you have a local copy of your forked Repository in PyCharm. You can make any changes you propose using PyCharm’s editor and tools. For example, you can edit files, add new files, delete files, refactor code, run tests, etc.
Once you are happy with your changes, commit them to your local Repository and push them to your remote forked Repository on GitHub. To do this, go to PyCharm’s Version Control tool window (View | Tool Windows | Version Control) and select Git | Commit from its toolbar or context menu. Select the files you want to include in the Commit dialog, write a descriptive commit message explaining your changes and why, and click Commit.
After committing your changes locally, you must push them to your remote forked Repository to be visible on GitHub. To do this, return to PyCharm’s Version Control tool window and select Git | Push from its toolbar or context menu. In the open Push Commits dialog, make sure your remote forked Repository is set as Push To (by default, it is the origin) and click Push.
Now your changes are pushed to your remote forked Repository on GitHub. The final step is to create a pull request from your forked Repository to the original Repository you want to contribute to. To do this, go to GitHub and navigate to your forked Repository’s page. You will see a Compare & Pull Request button next to Branch: main (or whatever branch name you used). Click on it.
This will take you to another page where you can review your changes and create a pull request.
You will see the base repository on the left, the original Repository that will receive your updates, and the head repository on the right, which is your forked Repository with the changes you want to apply.
You can also change these repositories or branches by clicking on their names.
To create a pull request, you need to specify a title for it and optionally provide a description of what changes you made and why.
You can add reviewers, assignees, labels, projects, or milestones to your pull request if needed.
These options help organize and categorize pull requests for easier management.
When you are ready, click “Create Pull Request.”
Your pull request will be submitted for review by maintainers of the original project, who may comment or suggest improvements before merging it into their main Branch.
The Differences Between Fetch, pull, and push commands
These commands are essential for working with remote repositories, copies of your project stored on GitHub or another server.
The fetch command lets you download commits, files, and references from a remote repository to your local one. It does not merge any changes into your current Branch. This means you can review the changes before deciding whether to incorporate them. Fetching helps track what other people are doing on the project without affecting your work.
To fetch from a remote repository, specify its name and the Branch you want to fetch from. For example, if you want to Fetch from the main Branch of the origin repository (which is usually the default name for the remote Repository you cloned from), you can use this command:
“git fetch origin main.”
This will download all the new commits and files from the origin/main branch to your local Repository but will not change your current Branch. You can see the fetched changes using the “git log” or “git diff” commands.
The pull command is similar to the fetch command but also merges the changes from the remote Branch into your current Branch. This means it updates your local files with the latest version from the remote Repository. Pulling helps synchronize your work with others and avoid merge conflicts.
To pull from a remote repository, specify its name and the Branch you want to pull from. For example, if you’re going to pull from the main Branch of the origin repository, you can use this command:
“git pull origin main.”
This will fetch and merge all the new commits and files from the origin/main branch into your current Branch. You may need to resolve some conflicts if there are differences between your local and remote versions.
The push command allows you to upload local commits and files to a remote repository. It does not download any changes from the remote Repository. Pushing helps you share your work with others and update the remote version of your project.
To push to a remote repository, specify its name and the Branch you want to push. For example, if you push your current Branch to the Main Branch of the origin repository, you can use this command: “git push origin main.”
This will upload all your new commits and files from your current Branch to the origin/main branch on GitHub. You may need to enter your username and password or use SSH keys to authenticate yourself.
In summary,
- Fetch downloads changes from a remote repository without merging them into your Branch.
- Pull downloads and merge changes from a remote repository into your Branch.
- Push uploads changes from your current Branch to a remote repository.
How to get the latest files from GitHub in PyCharm
We are cloning and pulling to get the latest files from GitHub in PyCharm.
Cloning a repository
Cloning a repository means creating a local copy of a remote repository on your computer. This is useful when working on a new project or starting from scratch. To clone a repository in PyCharm, follow these steps:
- Open PyCharm and click on File -> New Project.
- In the New Project dialog, select Git from the left panel and enter the GitHub repository URL you want to clone in the URL field. You can also browse for an existing directory to store the cloned project.
- Click on Clone and wait for PyCharm to download the files from GitHub.
- Once the cloning is done, you can see the project files in the Project tool window.
Pulling changes from a repository
Pulling changes from a repository means updating your local copy of a remote repository with the latest changes made by other contributors. This is useful when you want to sync your work with others or get new features or bug fixes. To pull changes from a repository in PyCharm, follow these steps:
- Open PyCharm and select the project you want to update from GitHub.
- Click on VCS -> Git -> Pull.
- Select the remote Branch you want to pull from in the Pull dialog and click on Pull.
- Wait for PyCharm to fetch and merge the changes from GitHub.
- If there are any conflicts between your local and remote files, resolve them using PyCharm’s merge tool.
Cloning is functional when creating a local copy of a remote repository. At the same time, pulling is useful when you want to update your local copy with the latest changes made by other contributors. I hope this tutorial was helpful and informative for you.
Rebase a branch on GitHub.
Rebasing is rewriting your branch history by applying your commits to another branch. This can help you keep your Branch updated with the main Branch and avoid unnecessary Merge commits.
Before rebasing, ensure you have fetched the latest changes from GitHub and that your working tree is clean (no uncommitted changes). You can do this by choosing Git | Fetch from the main menu or clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the Branches popup.
To rebase a branch on GitHub with PyCharm for Mac, follow these steps:
- From the main menu, select Git | Rebase.
- From the list, select the target branch onto which you want to rebase the current Branch. By default, it is the origin/master (the remote-tracked Branch of your local master).
- Click Modify options and choose –interactive. This will open an interactive rebase dialog where you can edit your source branch history before applying it to the target branch.
- In the interactive rebase dialog, you can reorder, Squash (combine), edit or delete your commits using drag-and-drop or context menu actions. You can also double-click a commit to change its message or author.
- After editing your source branch history, click Start Rebasing. PyCharm will apply your commits to the target branch and show you a progress bar.
- If there are any conflicts during rebasing, PyCharm will pause and prompt you to resolve them (see Resolve conflicts). After determining a Conflict, choose Git | Continue Rebase from the main menu or click Continue Rebase in the Branches popup.
- When rebasing is finished, PyCharm will notify you with a message box. Click View Log to see how your source branch history has been rewritten on top of the target branch.
- You have rebased a branch on GitHub with PyCharm.
Now you can push your changes to GitHub by choosing Git | Push from the main menu or clicking Push in the Branches popup.
Note: Rebasing changes your commit hashes and alters your branch history, so use caution only if you are sure that no one else has based their work on your source branch. Otherwise, you may cause problems for other collaborators who must force-update their local copies of your source branch.
How to Squash Commits on GitHub Using PyCharm
Squashing commits is a helpful technique to combine multiple commits into a single commit, which can help keep your Repository’s History more readable and understandable.
To squash commits on GitHub using PyCharm for Mac, follow these steps:
- Open PyCharm and create or open a project connected to a GitHub repository.
- In the menu bar, click VCS > Git > Branches. This will open a dialog box showing all your Repository’s branches.
- Select the Branch with the commits you want to squash and click Checkout.
- In the menu bar, click VCS > Git > Log. This will open a tab that shows all the commits in your Branch’s History.
- Select the commits to squash and right-click on one of them. Choose Squash Commits from the context menu.
- A dialog box will allow you to modify your new Commit’s commit message. The commit messages of the selected Commits you want to squash are pre-filled into the Summary and Description fields. You can edit them as you wish or leave them as they are.
- Click Squash to confirm your action.
- Your Branch’s History will show only one Commit containing all your squashed changes.
- Click VCS > Git > Push in the menu bar or use the Cmd+Shift+K shortcut to push your changes to GitHub.
- A dialog box warns you that you need to force push your changes because you have altered the commit history of your Branch. Force pushing can affect other collaborators working on the same Branch, so communicate with them before doing this.
- Click Force Push to proceed or Cancel if you change your mind.
Squashing commits can be helpful when cleaning up your commit history or merging a pull request with a single commit. However, it also has some drawbacks, such as losing details of your work history or causing conflicts with other branches. Therefore, use it wisely and sparingly.
How to Revert a Commit on GitHub
Sometimes, you may want to undo a commit you have pushed to GitHub. For example, you may have made a mistake, introduced a bug, or changed your mind.
Reverting vs. Resetting
Before reverting a commit on GitHub, let’s clarify the difference between reverting and resetting. Both commands can undo changes in your Git history but do it differently.
Resetting is a destructive operation that removes commits from your Branch. It moves the branch pointer to point to an earlier Commit and discards any commits after it. Resetting is beneficial when you want to rewrite your History or remove unwanted changes permanently.
Reverting is a non-destructive operation that creates a new commit that undoes the changes of an existing commit. It does not delete any commits from your Branch but adds a new one on top of it. Reverting is helpful to preserve your History or keep other people’s changes intact.
Reverting with Git CLI
One way to revert a GitHub commit is using the Git command-line interface (CLI). You can use the Git revert command with the commit ID you want to undo. For example:
git revert 882ad02
This will create a new commit that reverses the changes of 882ad02 and apply it to your local Branch. You can then push this new Commit to GitHub with the following:
Git push origin main
Alternatively, you can use HEAD as a shorthand for the latest Commit on your Branch. For example:
Git revert HEAD
This will revert the last Commit on your Branch and push it to GitHub.
Reverting with GitHub Desktop
Another way to revert a commit on GitHub is to use GitHub Desktop, a graphical user interface (GUI) for Git.
To revert a commit with GitHub Desktop, follow these steps:
- Open GitHub Desktop and select your Repository.
- Click on History in the left sidebar.
- Right-click on the Commit you want to revert and click Revert Changes in Commit.
- Enter a message for the new Commit and click Commit Revert.
- Click Push Origin in the toolbar.
Reverting with GitHub Web
A third way to revert a commit on GitHub is to use GitHub Web, the online platform for hosting and collaborating on Git repositories. You can access GitHub Web from
To revert a commit with GitHub Web, follow these steps:
- Go to your repository page on GitHub Web.
- Click on Commits in the menu bar.
- Find the Commit you want to revert to and click its ID or message.
- Click Revert in the top right corner.
- Enter a title and description for the new pull request and click Create Pull Request.
- Review and merge the pull request.
We use different methods for reverting a commit on GitHub: Git CLI, GitHub Desktop, and GitHub Web. Depending on your preference and situation, you can choose any way to undo changes in your Git history.
Reverting a commit
Reverting a commit is a typical operation in Git that allows you to undo a previous change and restore the state of your Repository to an earlier point in time. However, reverting a Commit can also have some consequences that you should be aware of before performing this action.
One consequence of reverting a commit is creating a new commit on top of your current Branch containing the inverse changes of the reverted Commit. This means the reverted Commit is not deleted from your History but instead marked as undone by another commit. This can be useful if you want to preserve the original change for future reference or if you need to revert the revert later on.
Another consequence of reverting a commit is that it can cause conflicts with other branches or remote repositories that have already incorporated the reverted change. For example, if you revert a commit on your local Branch and then try to merge it with another branch that has not reverted the same Commit, you will encounter merge conflicts that you must resolve manually. Similarly, if you revert a commit on your local Branch and try to push it to a remote repository that has not reverted the same Commit, you will be rejected and asked to pull first.
To avoid these conflicts, you should communicate with your team members and collaborators before reverting a Commit and ensure everyone is on the same page about what changes are being undone and why. You should also use descriptive messages when retreating commits so that others can understand what happened and how to deal with it.
A commit can be reversed using various tools and commands in Git, such as git revert,
git reset,
Git checkout Or even graphical user interfaces like PyCharm. However, regardless of which tool or command you use, you should always be careful when reverting commits and understand the consequences.
How To Cherry-pick A Commit on GitHub using PyCharm
Cherry-picking is a helpful technique to apply specific changes from one Branch to another without merging the whole Branch. This can be helpful when you want to fix a bug, add a feature or revert a change made in a different branch.
To cherry-pick a commit on GitHub using PyCharm for Mac, we need to follow these steps:
- Open PyCharm and select the project with the GitHub repository you want to work with.
- In the menu bar, go to VCS > Git > Branches and select the Branch with the Commit you want to cherry-pick.
- In the Log tab of the Version Control tool window, find and right-click on the Commit you want to cherry-pick and select Cherry-Pick from the context menu.
- A dialog box will appear, asking you to confirm your action. You can also choose whether to create a new branch or use an existing one as the target for your cherry-pick operation. Click OK to proceed.
- PyCharm will perform the cherry-pick operation and show you any potential conflicts. You can resolve them manually or use PyCharm’s merge tool to help you.
- Once you have resolved all conflicts, click Commit Changes in the Commit tool window and enter a message for your new Commit.
- To push your changes to GitHub, go to VCS > Git > Push and select your remote Repository and Branch from the drop-down menus. Click Push to complete your action.
You have successfully cherry-picked a commit on GitHub using PyCharm for Mac. You can now view your changes on GitHub or continue working on your project in PyCharm.