
Visual Studio Code (VSCode), Visual Studio

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a code editor developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight editor that can edit code in various programming languages. VSCode is a popular choice for web development and cloud development.

Visual Studio is an IDE developed by Microsoft. It is a powerful and versatile IDE that can develop software for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Understanding “.idea” and “pycache” Directories in Development

Understanding ".idea" and "pycache" Directories in Development

In the realm of software development, especially when working with certain tools and languages, developers often come across directories like “.idea” and “pycache“. These directories play specific roles in the development process. Let’s delve into each of these directories to understand their purpose and significance. 1. “.idea” Directory: 2. “pycache” […]

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What Is Sentry?

What Is Sentry?

Sentry is an open-source error-tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix real-time crashes. It provides detailed insights into software application errors, exceptions, and performance issues, allowing developers to identify, diagnose, and resolve them more efficiently. Here are some critical points about Sentry: In essence, Sentry assists developers in maintaining […]

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Python vs C#: Deciphering the Best Fit for Your Development Project

Python vs C#: Deciphering the Best Fit for Your Development Project

When initiating a software development project, the choice of programming language plays a pivotal role. Two popular contenders in this realm are Python and C#. Both languages have distinct advantages and challenges, making the decision contingent on the project’s specific requirements and the team’s proficiency. Python Highlights: C# Highlights: Choosing […]

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CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Deployment) for Beginners: A Quick Guide to Implementing a DevOps Workflow

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is a set of practices and tools to automate software building, testing, and deploying. It’s essential to modern software development, helping teams release software more frequently and confidently. Continuous Integration (CI) is the practice of automatically building and testing your code every time a change is […]

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How to become Python back-end developer

Python Programming Language, Python Programlama Dili

About the right way and the techniques, you should follow along with the scope of the Flask/Django framework. Back-end development is developing the server side of a web application. This includes the code that interacts with the database, processes user requests, and generates the dynamic content displayed on the application’s […]

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Getting Started with Google Maps in Python

Getting Started with Google Maps in Python

Google Maps is a powerful tool that can be used for various purposes, including navigation, finding businesses, and exploring new places. Prerequisites Before you can start using Google Maps in Python, you will need to have the following: Installing the Google Maps API for Python Once you have your API […]

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What is NUnit Testing For .NET?

What is NUnit Testing For .NET?

NUnit is a unit testing framework for the .NET platform. It is designed to make it easy to write and run repeatable tests and to allow tests to be grouped and organized logically and meaningfully. One advantage of NUnit is that it is a mature and well-supported framework with a […]

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SonarQube for Python: The Guardian Angel of Code Quality

SonarQube for Python: The Guardian Angel of Code Quality

SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality. It provides automated reviews with static code analysis to detect bugs and code smells in 29 programming languages. SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security […]

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