

Swarming: A Team-based Approach to Getting Work Done

Swarming: A Team-based Approach to Getting Work Done

Swarming is a software development method in which multiple team members simultaneously work on the same user story or task. This can be done in various ways, such as mob programming, where all team members work on a single problem using a single computer or having specific roles work together, such as a developer and tester—swarming aims to increase team understanding and efficiency and save time by avoiding the need for rework later.

There are several advantages to swarming. One of the main benefits is that it helps to broaden team understanding. Having multiple team members working on a user story ensures that a broader range of people understands what is being built. This can help prevent situations where only a subset of the team thoroughly understands the work, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Additionally, swarming allows for real-time code review, as multiple developers are working on the same user story simultaneously. This can help to catch mistakes and improve the quality of the code. Finally, swarming can potentially save time, as having multiple people working on a user story early on can reduce the likelihood of needing to do rework later.

However, there are also potential downsides to swarming. One risk is that it can lead to high work-in-progress (WIP) numbers, resulting in fewer user stories being completed during an iteration. This can be especially problematic if teams cannot achieve continuous flow, which is the goal of having a steady, uninterrupted work stream. Additionally, swarming may not be suitable for all groups or projects, and it may be necessary to experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for a given team and context.

There are several ways that teams can incorporate swarming into their work. One option is to use it ad hoc, such as when a user story is particularly critical and needs to be completed quickly. Alternatively, teams can designate specific days of the week as “swarming days” or identify “swarming themes” to focus on particular areas that might not receive consistent attention, such as technical debt or web security. Teams can also periodically conduct exploratory tests in pairs or small groups.

Swarming can be valuable for increasing team understanding and efficiency in software development. Still, it is essential for teams to consider its potential benefits and risks carefully and to experiment with different approaches to find the best fit for their needs.

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