Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library producing publication-quality figures in various hardcopy formats and interactive platforms. Matplotlib can be used in Python scripts, the Python and IPython shells, the Jupyter Notebook, web application servers, and four graphical user interface toolkits. Matplotlib tries to make easy things easy and hard things possible. You can […]
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Git is a version control system that helps you track changes to your code over time. It is a powerful tool that can be used to collaborate with others, manage your code history, and revert to previous versions of your code. However, Git can be a bit daunting to learn […]
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GitHub, a software development and version control service provider owned by Microsoft, has announced that it will cut 10% of its workforce to safeguard its immediate financial stability. In addition to the layoffs, the remaining employees will transition to remote work to further reduce costs. The move comes just weeks […]
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Amazon Redshift is a cloud-based data warehousing solution that Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides. It allows businesses to store, query, and analyze large amounts of data cost-effectively and scalable. Benefits: Pros: Cons: Alternatives:
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MACOS için terminalden ftp istemcisi olarak NCFTP ‘i kullanıyorum. Embedded cihazlarda genellikle garip FTP sunucuları oluyor ve komut satırı erişim en hızlı seçenek oluyor. Uygulamayı Adresinden indirebiliyoruz. Basit bir kurum sonunda kullanmaya başlayabiliriz. MACOS için TERMİNAL ‘i açtım. NCFTP ile artık NCFTP ‘bin shell ‘ine giriyorum. Burada çok […]
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KumsaldaUzanmışım kumsaldaGüneş damlar içimeKurumuş dudaklarımdaUnutulmuş bir besteYaşıyorum ahestekapılmışım rüzgaraSavrulup gidiyorumşimdi çok uzaklarımdaNafile telaşlarımHayattan çalıyorumNi la bombe atomiqueUn amour platoniqueUmudum yarınlarda; tatildeyimBir elimde ayna varşair beni kıskanırYanmışım sereserpe; sahildeyimOoo…Uzanmışım kumsaldaGüneş damlar içimeKurumuş dudaklarımdaUnutulmuş bir besteYaşıyorum ahestekapılmışım rüzgaraSavrulup gidiyorum…Fikret Kızılok
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A Conversation with Guido van Rossum by Bill Venners January 13, 2003 Summary Python creator Guido van Rossum talks with Bill Venners about Python’s history, the influence of the ABC language, and Python’s original design goals. Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. […]
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