

Python pandas is a Python library for data analysis. It is used for tasks such as data cleaning, data manipulation, and data visualization. It was created by Wes McKinney and is maintained by the pandas’ team.

10 Essential Python Libraries Every Developer Should Be Familiar With

10 Essential Python Libraries Every Developer Should Be Familiar With

Python, renowned for its versatility and user-friendly nature, boasts many libraries and modules catering to various functionalities. These libraries simplify the development process, enabling developers to craft efficient solutions for diverse domains. Here’s a rundown of ten pivotal Python libraries: These libraries, each with unique offerings, form the backbone of […]

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Pandas Unveiled: Your Guide to Data Analysis in Python

Pandas Unveiled: Your Guide to Data Analysis in Python

In data science and analysis, the ability to manipulate and analyze data efficiently is a skill that cannot be overstated. One tool that has revolutionized data handling is Pandas, a high-level data manipulation tool developed by Wes McKinney. It is built on the Numpy package, and its vital data structure […]

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Pandas AI: The Generative AI Python Library

Pandas AI: The Generative AI Python Library

Pandas AI is a Python library that uses generative AI to create synthetic data. It is a powerful tool for data scientists and analysts who must create realistic data for testing and training machine learning models. In machine learning, it is often necessary to create synthetic data. This is because […]

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Python İle Basit Bir Derin Öğrenme Uygulaması

Python İle Basit Bir Derin Öğrenme Uygulaması

Python ile veri bilimi ve makine öğrenmesi konusunda çalışmak istiyorsak işe NumPy ve Pandas ile başlamamız gerekiyor. Çok basit bir örnek uygulama ile başlayabiliriz. Bir giriş veri setimiz var, bir işlemden geçerek bir sonuç seti oluşuyor. Bunun algoritmasını tahmin etmeye çalışıyoruz. Sigmoid fonksiyonu ile iterasyonu ayarlıyoruz. Bu temel bir yaklaşımdır.

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