
Business Leadership

Insights into effective leadership approaches that drive company growth and inspire teams.

Modern Dünyada Bilgelik Temelli Yönetim

Modern Dünyada Bilgelik Temelli Yönetim

Özgün Liderlik Sanatı: Erik Schön’ün “The Art of Leadership” Kitabına Derinlemesine Bir Bakış Erik Schön, “The Art of Change” ve “The Art of Strategy” gibi eserlerin de yazarıdır. Schön’ün eserleri, liderliği sadece bir yönetim süreci olarak değil, bireyin içsel gelişimi ve bütünlük içinde hareket etmesi olarak ele alır. Günümüz dünyasında […]

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Tao Te Ching: Bilgeliğin ve Dengenin Kitabı

Tao Te Ching: Bilgeliğin ve Dengenin Kitabı

Lao Tzu (Laozi), M.Ö. 6. yüzyılda yaşadığına inanılan ve Taoizm’in kurucusu kabul edilen Çinli bir filozoftur. Onun öğretileri, doğayla uyum içinde yaşamanın, bilgelikle hareket etmenin ve insan yaşamında dengeyi bulmanın yollarını öğretir. Lao Tzu’nun hayatı efsanelerle örtülüdür. Bir rivayete göre, Çin’in kaotik dönemlerinde, insanları anlamaya yönelik derin gözlemler yaptıktan sonra, […]

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John Boyd’un OODA Döngüsü: Hızlı ve Esnek Karar Vermenin Sanatı

John Boyd'un OODA Döngüsü: Hızlı ve Esnek Karar Vermenin Sanatı

John Boyd, ABD Hava Kuvvetleri’nde bir albay ve askeri stratejist olarak geliştirdiği OODA döngüsü (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act – Gözlemle, Yönlendir, Karar Ver, Uygula) ile modern stratejik düşüncenin en önemli modellerinden birini ortaya koydu. Boyd’un OODA döngüsü, savaş, iş dünyası, liderlik, rekabet stratejileri ve karar verme süreçlerinde kritik bir çerçeve […]

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Stratejide Ustalaşmak, The Art Of Strategy

Stratejide Ustalaşmak, The Art Of Strategy

“The Art of Strategy: Steps Towards Business Agility”, strateji kavramını derinlemesine ele alan bir eserdir. Kitap, Sun Tzu’nun “Savaş Sanatı” eserini modern iş dünyasına uyarlayarak, John Boyd’un OODA döngüsü ve Simon Wardley’nin Wardley Haritalama teknikleriyle bölüm, Sun Tzu’nun öğretilerini günümüz iş dünyasına adapte eder ve Boyd ile Wardley’nin perspektifleriyle […]

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Wonder Announces Acquisition of Grubhub

Wonder Announces Acquisition of Grubhub

NEW YORK and CHICAGO, Nov. 13, 2024 — Wonder, a new kind of food hall that is revolutionizing the food industry by creating the super app for mealtime, announced that it is acquiring Grubhub, a leading food ordering and delivery platform with more than 375,000 merchants and 200,000 delivery partners across the […]

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Revolutionizing Focus: One Task a Day for Enhanced Productivity

Revolutionizing Focus: One Task a Day for Enhanced Productivity

Michael Sim, a 33-year-old Android developer in California, shared a transformative productivity tip in an essay written by Fortesa Latifi and published on Business Insider. Sim’s approach to enhancing focus and productivity at work involves concentrating on one significant task each day rather than juggling multiple micro-tasks. This method, though […]

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Leveling the Code: The Impact of Universal ‘Software Crafter’ Titles in Tech

Leveling the Code: The Impact of Universal 'Software Crafter' Titles in Tech

In the evolving software development landscape, ‘software craftsmanship’ has gained significant traction. This philosophy emphasizes continuous learning, the pursuit of excellence in code writing, and seeing development as a craft rather than just a job. A notable aspect of this movement is the absence of traditional seniority titles. Instead, practitioners, […]

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Bare Minimum Monday

Bare Minimum Monday

“Bare Minimum Monday” is emerging as a new workplace trend, where employees do the minimum work required on Mondays. This practice, gaining popularity through TikTok influencer Marisa Jo, is seen as a way to combat work pressure and prioritize well-being over productivity. It’s a response to the hustle culture, where […]

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OpenAI’s New Era: Sam Altman Steps Down, Ushering in Leadership Transformation

OpenAI's New Era: Sam Altman Steps Down, Ushering in Leadership Transformation

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, the company behind the groundbreaking ChatGPT, has been dismissed, creating a stir in the tech industry. The board’s decision to fire Altman, a prominent figure in AI, was unexpected and sent shockwaves across the sector. Mira Murati, OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer, has been appointed […]

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7 Tips for Conducting Effective Performance Reviews with Remote Employees

7 Tips for Conducting Performance Reviews With Remote Employees

How to Stay Connected and Engaged Performance reviews are an essential part of any employee’s development. They provide an opportunity for employees to receive feedback on their work, set goals for the future, and learn how to improve their performance. However, conducting performance reviews with remote employees can be challenging. […]

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