After over ten years since the Agile summit, software projects are still failing. Many developers don’t behave as software professionals, and managers fail to understand the value of technical practices. The software development industry is still very amateur when compared to other professions. How can we change this? Why was […]
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Agile software development methodology emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and rapid iteration. Several frameworks and practices within Agile include Scrum, Kanban, and Lean. Critical Practices and Frameworks of Agile Setting Up and Running Agile Teams Organizations must establish roles and responsibilities and measure progress to set up and run Agile teams. Here […]
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Dave Thomas was one of the creators of the Agile Manifesto. A year ago, he told us that Agile is Dead. How could this be? Why had he deserted us? And what are we to do? It turns out that while the “Agile” industry is busy debasing the meaning of […]
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Bülent Ortaçgil, Ortaçgil şarkılarını seslendiren üç kadın vokal ile birlikte “Kadın Sesi Değmiş Şarkılar” isimli bir projeye imza attı. Konserde Ortaçgil’e yıllardır zaman zaman birlikte çaldığı Birsen Tezer, Jehan Barbur ve Ceylan Ertem eşlik etti. Konser 20 Aralık 2012’de Garajİstanbul’da düzenlendi.
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