

Flow aims to revolutionize the renting experience by creating a sense of ownership among renters.

İşçi ve Emek Bayramı: İstanbul’dan 1 Mayıs Anıları

Özgür Özkök, 1 Mayıs 2023, İstanbul Maltepe

İstanbul, Maltepe miting alanında 1 Mayıs coşkusu

Devamını Oku

Adam Neumann uses plungers to explain the idea behind Flow, his new real estate startup.

Adam Neumann uses plungers to explain the idea behind Flow, his new real estate startup.

Adam Neumann, the founder of WeWork, has launched a new real estate company called Flow. Backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Flow aims to revolutionize the renting experience by creating a sense of ownership among renters. A recent video from a November conference panel sheds light on Neumann’s vision for this venture. […]

Devamını Oku

Solving The Biggest Challenge In Remote Work

Solving The Biggest Challenge In Remote Work

The article highlights the challenge of integrating junior employees in remote and hybrid work environments and suggests a structured mentoring program. The mentoring program should pair senior staff members with junior staff for virtual mentoring sessions. The senior staff member from the junior colleague’s team should meet with them monthly […]

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